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- (C) 1993 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari Roundtables. May
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- ==========================================================================
- ************
- Topic 6 Fri Sep 13, 1991
- C.MULLER3 at 21:08 EDT
- Sub: MEGA-Check, finance manager
- This topic is for sharing helpful hints/tips and questions about MEGA-Check.
- Download file #20914 for version 1.0.
- 200 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 1 Fri Sep 13, 1991
- C.MULLER3 at 21:13 EDT
- My name is Chris Muller and I am the author of MEGA-Check (file #20914). I
- will be offering technical support on the program at this topic for anyone who
- has any questions.
- Orders for the program can be placed by simply sending 29.95 + 3.00 s/h to:
- Chris Muller
- #5 3rd Ave.
- Belton, MO 64012
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 2 Sat Sep 14, 1991
- Uh... what is Mega-Check?
- End of line.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 3 Sat Sep 14, 1991
- DARLAH [RT~SYSOP] at 12:44 EDT
- Chris in all his excitement must of forgot the description. Here it is from
- the Library (file# 20914).
- If you've ever wondered, "Where has all my money gone?" then this program
- deserves a look.
- Version 1.0 of MEGA-Check, probably the most complete and full-featured
- personal finance manager for the Atari ST boasting over 100 functions and up
- to 90 user-definable functions. It will print checks on any pre-printed
- check form. High speed menus and dialogs are used for fast and easy oper A
- sample file is included to demonstrate some of its capabilities.
- Due to the nature of this application, it can only run in high-res. One
- meg+ is required. Unless you have a proper validation file, the program will
- revert to demo mode (30 record maximum).
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 4 Sat Sep 14, 1991
- HCOLLINS [H-MAN] at 14:14 EDT
- Chris,
- Outstanding program, looks like something that I really might want to
- use.
- What are the chances of making this program work in TT Med Rez Mode???
- If it did it would be a definit sale.
- Again, nice job.
- H-Man
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 5 Sat Sep 14, 1991
- C.MULLER3 at 20:19 EDT
- H-Man,
- Hmmm... That's a tough one, seeing as I don't even have a TT. I really just
- wrote MEGA-Check (it took an entire year to develop and write) for my own
- usage and never intended to attempt to distribute it. But a friend convinced
- me that I should try to sell a few copies. Anyway, UNTIL demand warrants, all
- enhancements are going to have to be either just things that I would like to
- see put into it anyway (like the ability to copy reports from one slot to
- another just by dragging it there), OR enhancements which are fairly minor and
- wouldn't take a lot of re-coding. Unfortunately, this modification (TT
- medium) would be fairly major in addition to requiring me to purchase a TT for
- testing. So, although there is a distinct possibility that it will run in TT
- medium sometime in the future, I must be honest and say that there will need
- to be a demand for it ahead of time. Shmogi,
- MEGA-Check is a program which should help in figuring out where all of your
- money goes (just in case you've ever wondered). It could also help you manage
- a checking account by performing such tasks as printing checks and balancing
- your checkbook. A demo of the program is available, file #20914 which
- includes a README file describing some if its other features, as well as a
- sample file which can be loaded into the program and used to see some of its
- features.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 6 Sat Sep 14, 1991
- A.WESTON [Alan] at 23:22 EDT
- "Due to the nature of this program, it will only run in high-res?" I can see
- no reason for a financial program to require high resolution other than the
- programmer didn't include it. This program sounds interesting, but I'm afraid
- a lot of users will be locked out by the high resolution requirement. Please,
- can we have this in medium resolution?
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 7 Sun Sep 15, 1991
- J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 08:51 EDT
- Chris,
- Is this a full feature personal finance program like Pha$ar, of is it
- a more limmited checking program?
- >> Joe Meehan <<
- Don't forget to send in your shareware payments if you use shareware!
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 8 Sun Sep 15, 1991
- TOWNS [John@Atari] at 12:30 EDT
- Well, I looked at the demo and I really like the look and feel of this
- program!
- If you ever decide to do enhancements to it, please let me know. I would be
- happy to test on TT machines and get back to you with results.
- I have been looking for a package similar to this for awhile. Hopefully, a few
- people will pop for it so that you will be encouraged to continue improving
- it.
- -- John
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 9 Sun Sep 15, 1991
- C.MULLER3 at 15:50 EDT
- Alan,
- Well, have you downloaded and looked at it (I suppose not if you don't have
- a mono monitor)? If/when you see it, you will understand why there just isn't
- enough room to fit everything on the screen. Believe me, I spent quite a few
- hours trying to get it to run in medium res, but things just looked to
- sloppy. I, too, am sorry about having so many users locked out by the high-
- res requirement. Now, TT medium does have enough res... :) It would be easy
- to convert, I think, but I have no idea since I've never even SEEN a TT.
- Joe M,
- I tried using Pha$ar 3 once when it came on the STart monthly disk. But I
- never really took the time to give a through looking over so I really can't
- compare the two programs. I would guess, however, that MEGA-Check is far
- easier to use, as well as containing some features that would allow it to
- more easily track your money outlets (via the hierarchical accounting
- structure). However, MEGA-Check doesn't have any of the tax laws built into
- it, you have to enter your tax liability for it to keep track of it. I'm sure
- there are other differences. Take a look at the demo and you be the judge...
- :)
- Oh, I don't want to label this as shareware please. It is labelled as a
- commercial program (I know, what's the difference with a demo right?)
- John,
- Thanks. But I didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea about upgrades.
- There *ARE* upgrades being worked on right now, but I was just comment- ing
- about the upgrade to TT medium. If my local dealer can get his hands on a TT
- then I will definitely convert it to run in TT med. But I feel that I really
- need to be the one to do the testing, since uploading to someone else who has
- a TT would take quite a bit of time to get all of the finishing touches.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 10 Sun Sep 15, 1991
- TOWNS [John@Atari] at 19:46 EDT
- Just thought I would offer! Anyway, hopefully in the near future, I will be
- able to give the commerical version a whirl.
- -- John
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 11 Sun Sep 15, 1991
- A.WESTON [Alan] at 22:24 EDT
- I do have a mono monitor, and after seeing how good Mega-Check looked, I
- thought a pitch to get other resolutions supported would be worth a try. I
- haven't had a chance to really tear into the demo yet, but my first impression
- is very good and I suspect I will be ordering the program very soon.
- If you're avoiding medium res because you can't fit all of the information on
- the screen at once, maybe you could consider putting the function key menu on
- another screen for the medium res version.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 12 Mon Sep 16, 1991
- C.MULLER3 at 00:08 EDT
- Alan,
- Hey! Good idea. How about even just putting the first five down at the
- bottom and then whenever the user presses a 6 - 10 function key, it
- automatically jumps over to the 6 - 10 function display?
- I'll tell you what, I'll consider giving medium resolution another shot. BUT,
- I can tell you right now that it is going to have to be a separate program.
- That is, the high-res version and the medium res version will be two different
- programs. Otherwise I feel like I would be wasting memory for high-res users
- by putting the code to jump between two different function panels for each
- model set.
- Thanks again for the idea.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 13 Mon Sep 16, 1991
- C.MULLER3 at 00:11 EDT
- Just a note to anyone who is putting MEGA-Check through its paces. I have
- identified a few fairly minor bugs and they have already been fixed. But
- before uploading 1.0a, I am going to wait and see if anyone else comes up with
- any others that I haven't been able to find and fix those too.
- So, if you see any bugs, please post them here. Thanks.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 14 Thu Sep 26, 1991
- C.MULLER3 at 02:00 EDT
- Boy, it sure has gotten unnervingly quiet in here since the initial release of
- MEGA-Check 1.0. Well, hopefully it will pick up because I have an
- announcement to make.
- Due to a clever user idea and a miracle, MEGA-Check has been able to be
- converted to work in medium resolution. I just finished it tonight. and will
- upload before the weekend is over. I want to clean up the sample file I
- whipped up in about 30 minutes before as I can see that I had some reports
- labelled differently, but were actually the same report.
- Version 1.0a of both the mono and color version will be uploaded htis weekend.
- All known bugs are fixed and a few extra features have been added. Look for
- them soon!
- Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 15 Fri Sep 27, 1991
- C.MULLER3 at 22:36 EDT
- I've just uploaded version 1.0a of both the mono-chrome and color versions of
- MEGA-Check. All known bugs are fixed in these versions, and a couple of
- features have been changed.
- Both of these are free upgrades, your validation files will work with them.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 16 Mon Nov 25, 1991
- M.ABREU [Abe] at 20:35 EST
- Chris, I downloaded the most recent demo and tried it on my color 1040ST. It
- looked really good, and it was obvious that this isn't a program to be
- evaluated in just a few minutes, so I quit and decided I'd look at it again
- later when I had more time. I just tried to fire it up again and keep getting
- an ERROR 8 alert box after the initialization (it displays the full screen,
- then the error). I don't recall changing or saving anything the first time,
- so I'm a little confused about what might have happened. I also deleted the
- original .LZH file (or was that ARC?), so I'm a little reluctant to download
- the demo again without hearing from you first.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 17 Mon Nov 25, 1991
- M.ABREU [Abe] at 20:42 EST
- Oh, and I forgot to add that I'm extremely excited about this program. I
- bought a used copy of PC DITTO so I could run just one application, CheckMate.
- I've never been able to find an ST program to manage my bank accounts that I
- was happy with, so I tried a DOS program that works pretty well, although the
- speed is horrible. Maybe MEGA-Check's for me?
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 18 Sat Nov 30, 1991
- C.MULLER3 at 22:54 EST
- Abe,
- You are out of memory. MEGA-Check requires just over 500K of free memory
- to run so running it on a 520ST is very difficult, if not impossible.
- If you have more than 512K memory, make sure that you aren't using so many
- accessories/AUTO programs that it brings you down below 600K (just to be on
- the safe side).
- Thanks for the compliments,
- Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 19 Tue Dec 31, 1991
- F.OLIVAS [Fred O.] at 00:06 EST
- Help! I can't seem to run the demo on my 16Mhz Mega4. The bootup screen
- below the word MEGA is all screwed up and when I try to load in the demo file
- I get the message: "ERROR #26" then I'm dumped to the desktop. What's my
- problem? I'd like to try out this program but can't seem to.
- Fred Olivas
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 20 Fri Jan 03, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 02:05 EST
- Fred,
- It sounds like your files have somehow become corrupted. I am going to be
- uploading version 1.1 this weekend and you can try it again if you like.
- The problem is in either the file MEGACHEK.PU2 or MEGACHEK.PU3 depending on
- whether you are trying to boot it in medium or high res? Which resolution
- are you running it from?
- Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 21 Tue Jan 07, 1992
- F.OLIVAS [Fred O.] at 00:33 EST
- Chris,
- I tried running MegaCheck in mono mode. What I saw of it I liked.
- Will d/l version 1.1 tonight and give it a whirl.
- Fred Olivas
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 22 Thu Jan 09, 1992
- A.COKER [Allan Coker] at 23:19 EST
- One quick question, just how do you print a check, such layingout the output.
- Thanks in the advance.
- Allan Coker
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 23 Sat Jan 11, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 00:27 EST
- I believe I included detailed, step by step instructions in the READHELP.TXT
- file. I'll double check and get back with you...
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 24 Sun Jan 26, 1992
- D.GROSS1 [Dave G.] at 03:38 EST
- Chris,
- Been up all night with this thing and I've finally got a handle on it. A
- little overwhelming at first with all the initial setups, but I'ts laid out SO
- logically, it just all of a sudden kicked in. I really do appreciate the
- personal time and support you've given me. It's nice to see you take on my
- case as such a challenge. Since I'm sort of using it in a way it wasn't
- really designed for, and since you seem to be able to make it do whatever I
- want it to do for my company, I'm sure Ill be around to enjoy all the future
- updates!!
- We'll dive into the report stuff ASAP. I'll start posting my NORMAL questions
- on this BBS from now on...
- Thanks again for the great support!
- Dave Gross
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 25 Thu Jan 30, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 02:02 EST
- Hi Dave,
- Glad to hear that it seems to be falling into place for you.
- I would like to say that, actually, MEGA-Check WAS written to double as a
- small business double-entry general ledger system. In fact, I use it not only
- to track investments, but to also manage my own "software company" (which
- only has one product right now). Since I designed MEGA-Check the way I wanted
- it to be, it absolutely work perfectly for me. I do know, too, that it will
- work for other people to.
- Later,
- Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 26 Thu Jan 30, 1992
- D.MCNAMEE [Dan @ Atari] at 14:56 EST
- Hi Chris. I finally got sick of balancing my checkbook, so I downloaded you
- demo to take a look at. I haven't had time to look through everything yet,
- but I had a couple questions.
- 1. Are there any limits to the number of entries, and if so, what is the
- limit.
- 2. I didn't see anything that gave you a balance on just the transactions
- that cleared. (for the purpose of balancing against the bank statement) I
- assume that is there?
- 3. I there any way to get a listing that looks like the check register in the
- checkbook so that if there is an error in the written logs it can be traced?
- All I saw was a report that just showed check amounts and then totals at the
- end. I'd like something that showed totals after each check.
- Thanks!
- Dan
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 27 Thu Feb 06, 1992
- D.GROSS1 [Dave G.] at 01:35 EST
- Mr. M.
- Just thought I'd check to see if you had a chance to play with the file I sent
- you. Haven't had much time this week to finish entering any new data, but I
- seem to have gotten a better handle on things. Hope all new projects and
- wrapping up smoothly and development continues on an upward climb. Don't work
- to hard...
- dave G. Florida
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 28 Tue Feb 11, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 01:21 EST
- Mr. G,
- Sorry, I haven't had a chance to look at your file. I've been SOOOO busy
- with the new manual and with the NEW VERSION 1.40 of MEGA-Check. This one will
- do away with that jerry-rigged way you have to use those TWO record models to
- transfer money from one account to another. Progress on this new version has
- been excellent and I hope to have it completed soon (perhaps you would like to
- be a beta-tester for a free upgrade?).
- Dan,
- Hi, thanks for your interest. To answer your questions: 1. The only
- restriction on the number of entries is how much memory you have in your
- computer, or 32000, whichever is smaller. If you have 32000 entries, however,
- you probably need to reduce your "accounting period", the time you stay with
- the same file until you move on to a fresh file with balances cleared out.
- Most people manage their personal finances with a one year accounting period.
- To give you an idea of how many records you can store, you will need about
- 350K for the program, 30K for your "models" and other internal things, and
- then about 10K per 100 records. So if you have a 1 meg machine, you should be
- able to store more than 5200 records and still have about 100K left over for
- AUTO programs/accessories, etc. If you have a four meg machine, I would
- estimate that you could fit about 20000 records in memory. Again, however,
- most people won't have NEARLY this much in a one year file.
- 2. Hmmm... I'm not sure about your question, but I'll go ahead and explain
- exactly how MEGA-Check determines the balance on your bank statement. First,
- you tell MC what classifies a record as having cleared the bank. For most
- people, it is all records where "Cleared = Yes". Oops. Excuse me, we want to
- find checks which HAVEN'T cleared the bank, that's "Cleared = No". MEGA-
- Check cycles through all records which have a "No" in the Cleared field, and
- you press one of two buttons two tell it if it is on your bank statement.
- When that's all done, you print a report (which is completely customizable by
- you) in which the Selection Criteria is "Cleared = Yes". MC takes all of the
- deposits for these records, sums them up, and subtracts all of the
- "withdrawals" (which includes checks, of course) and gives you the difference.
- It has always worked like a charm for me.
- 3. The report models that you saw were just ones that I whipped up using the
- built-in report generator in MEGA-Check. They are NOT hard coded into the
- program. You are free to change them however you wish. Just use the report
- menu. First, SELECT all report components you want on the report using the
- "Page headings", "Record Components", "Fields" and "Totals" panels. Then use
- the "Layout" function to PLACE AND POSITION all of the components however you
- want them to look.
- Hope this helps. Sorry I took so long in responding, as I told David, the new
- version has had me very busy, but it is going to be WELL worth it.
- Thanks again, for your interest. Let me know if you have any more questions.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 29 Tue Feb 11, 1992
- D.MCNAMEE [Dan @ Atari] at 14:12 EST
- Thanks for the info! Only 32000, huh? Le's see, with my wife that would last
- about...oh... a week <G> (just kidding). Sounds good. I'll probably be
- getting a hold of you soon.
- Dan
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 30 Fri Feb 14, 1992
- D.GROSS1 [Dave G.] at 01:20 EST
- Chris,
- I'd be glad to be a tester for you. I obviously have already figured out how
- to make it try to do things you hadn't thought of...(gee, my ignorance is your
- blessing)...send me a disk as soon as you can along with whatever reports
- things you can figure out for me...Looking forward to the manual and new
- version!
- dave
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 31 Fri Feb 28, 1992
- D.GROSS1 [Dave G.] at 00:13 EST
- Chris,
- Just thought I'd check in with you to see how things are progressing. Have you
- had a chance to play with my files at all? I'm anxious to get rolling with it
- all again..
- Dave Gross
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 32 Sat Feb 29, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 01:13 EST
- David,
- Hi, did you have a specific question you wanted to ask me about them? I
- looked at them briefly a while back. I give them another look.
- I am uploading version 1.21 of MEGA-Check in about 5 minutes here. BE SURE
- to get this! It has some pretty nice enhancements and it is now TOTALLY
- compatible with every accessory I tested it with, including Maxifile 3 run
- from MultiDesk 3.3!
- Also, David, I have added some new things to the READHELP.TXT file that could
- be very helpful in setting up your accounts and such.
- This new version 1.21 is VERY solid. I know of NO bugs in it and my main beta-
- tester is a very happy camper because he hasn't found anything in over a month
- with it (he is an EXTENSIVE user). It will probably be the last upgrade
- before the awesome version 2.0 that is scheduled release by summer. This one
- will have a MUCH BETTER manual than the current 1.0a or 1.20 manual (Oh, your
- 1.20 manual is on its way to you tomorrow!).
- I'm very excited about the features that are going into 2.0. For a partial
- list, check the end of the READUSER.TXT file in the new version I'm about to
- upload.
- Talk to you later!
- Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 33 Mon Mar 02, 1992
- D.GROSS1 [Dave G.] at 23:56 EST
- Chris,
- I'll DL it tonight. I just wanted some help setting up reports and stuff, and
- I wanted you to look at how I'm set up to see if it's "right" for my purposes.
- I'll still be glad to beta test for you if you wish...more after I DL and
- play!
- Dave Gross
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 34 Tue Mar 03, 1992
- D.GROSS1 [Dave G.] at 10:31 EST
- Chris,
- Dl #22966 last night. When I un-lzh'd it, it was version 1.1D. Is this the
- latest? I thought I read about a 2.0...
- Dave
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 35 Tue Mar 03, 1992
- D.GROSS1 [Dave G.] at 11:25 EST
- Chris,
- Pay no attention to my last message...I'm an idiot...I zapped the LZH file
- (oopps) so I'l DL it again today and try again...My mistake had to do with the
- .APP file you sent...duh...
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 36 Tue Mar 03, 1992
- D.GROSS1 [Dave G.] at 21:37 EST
- Chris,
- Had trouble downloading earlier today...got a Bad Header reading. Will try
- again tonite...did get to read some of txt files and I think I'll need your
- Convert.Prg for my file. It's not on the disk you sent, so please F-Mail me
- one ASAP...THANKS! Also, maybe cause of the bad header, but a verbose list of
- the LZH file showed NO Megachek.prg...only the Med rez one...did I do
- something wrong?
- Dave Gross
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 37 Sun Mar 08, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 02:27 EST
- Hi Dave,
- Hmmm... I'll ask the sysop if the file has a bad header. I think they
- would have found it when they checked it out though (they check all files
- before putting them up in the libraries).
- You will need the conversion program if you were using a version earlier t
- earlier than 1.20. I'll also make sure its in the LZH.
- Uh, make sure that you just use a normal LZH'er. I didn't arc it with the
- new "Quester" utility. Maybe that will make a difference.
- Let me know if you have anymore problems.
- Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 38 Mon Mar 09, 1992
- ST-REPORT [Lloyd Pulley] at 13:33 EST
- Chris,
- Is there any way to write Mega Check so you only need one version no
- matter what resolution you're in? To me the that's the biggest draw-
- back to Mega Check...having to tie up almost 600k so I can boot it in
- either Mono or Color mode (I use both). Your's is one of the few pro-
- programs (of any size) around that still has to have two versions.
- Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 39 Mon Mar 09, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 21:09 EST
- MEGA-Check 2 (coming this summer) will alleviate this problem... well, in a
- way. You will only have to worry about running one .PRG, but it will call
- upon one of to executable modules depending on what resolution you're in, so
- you will still be tying up 600K of disk space. However, most people usually
- do all of their work in one res or the other and only use one version.
- The reason this is necessary is because there are extra features for the high-
- res version that couldn't go into the medium res version simply because of
- the vertical resolution limitation. Though I now find myself with two
- programs to change every time I want to make an update (not too fun), at least
- I didn't have to put extra code in to try to remove menu options, check
- keystrokes, etc. if they are in medium res and bypass execution if they were.
- I'll give it some more thought and see if I can't think of any more feasible
- method.
- Thanks,
- Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 40 Sat Mar 21, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 01:18 EST
- Well, programming on MEGA-Check 2 is going very well. I doubt there will be
- anything out of the scope of this program but if anyone has anything they want
- to see in this product then now is the time to make your suggestions. I'll
- check the list of features (the tome sitting on my podium lists them all) and
- see if it isn't already in there.
- Some of my favorite things that I've been wanting to have which are going to
- be added are the ability to compare the progress of up to 8 investments side
- by side, all on one report!
- The negative sign requirement on the Amount field is totally done away with.
- We'll now have three scrolling windows of models to choose from for unlimited
- number of models (well, limited only by your available disk space). A full
- mailing address system will be included. A "Classification selector" will be
- added to select classifications just like you select accounts. The "Special
- Totals" panel will give MANY interesting things about an account like its
- MAXIMUM balance, its MINIMUM balance, its average balance or its percentage
- growth (absolute OR annualized). All of this information can be obtained for
- any time period.
- We will now have the ability to have a FULL budgeting system with which we can
- compare OUR actual financial picture to a planned or hypothetical one.
- Finally, the program is being completely recoded from scratch. The new
- program (version 2) will be smaller, tighter and faster and have much fewer
- bugs than version 1 had.
- Current users will be able to upgrade for a reasonable upgrade fee. Owners of
- Home Accounts 2 may also upgrade to MEGA-Check 2 for 50% off the list price
- (99.95). We are that confident that MEGA-Check 2 will positively BLOW AWAY
- Chris Muller
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 41 Sat Mar 21, 1992
- D.GROSS1 [Dave G.] at 10:15 EST
- Chris,
- SOUNDS GREAT! I haven't had too much free time to play with my update, but
- I've loaded in some new data any. (all old files WILL be compatable, won't
- they?). Looking forward to the new version and manual. Take your time with
- the manual and include a Full, Complete tutorial with it. I guarantee it will
- make all the difference in the world. Nothing irks new users off more than a
- manual that makes you go "HUH?". I've gotten a few owners manuals for my
- studio equipment that weren't worth the paper they were printed on! Just
- assume that we know NOTHING and go from there. It's worth the wait!!! I'll
- be waiting and practicing with the version I've got. I love it!
- Dave Gross
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 42 Sat Mar 21, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 16:08 EST
- Glad to hear your positive feedback. Regarding the manual, you should be
- happy to know that we have actually HIRED a contract writer to write the
- manual for version 2 for us! He is a professional teacher and has written
- many lesson plans and other documents and we feel he is very qualified to do
- the job. And yes, a FULL tutorial will be included in this 150+ page manual
- as he follows Joe and Maggie in East Overshoe Missouri as they run their
- business and manage their personal finances.
- I' veI'vew seen the layout for the new manual and it is VERY attractive. All
- in all we are just as excited about the manual as we are about the program.
- Oh, we are also looking into some more professional binders, the top vote
- right now being a three ring notebook like binder with possibly a COLOR
- insert.
- I'll try to take the time to post regular updates here. Programming has me
- pretty busy.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 43 Sat Mar 21, 1992
- R.NOAK at 18:26 EST
- Will Mega CHeck 2 be sort of like a Quicken clone? And will it run in TT med
- res?
- Randy @ Southlake, Inc.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 45 Sun Mar 22, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 22:23 EST
- MEGA-Check is ALREADY superior, in many ways, to Quicken 4 (we havne't seen
- 5.0 yet but have seen a list of features and still believe that we have an
- edge in many areas). There are only a couple of things that Quicken will do
- that MEGA-Check currently won't do, many of which MEGA-Check 2 will address.
- The main feature being direct access to CheckFree to pay your bills
- electronically. We are looking into it for version 2 but need to get some
- more information about the data format for the upload from Checkfree. I have
- contacted them personally for this information and they haven't been willing
- to just freely let me have the info. I must first submit a letter explaining
- purpose etc. and they will review it and "make a decision". At any rate, it
- is kind of a low prior- ity due to their reponse and the fast approaching
- deadline of summer taht we are trying to meet for version 2. If we can get
- the file format, however, it WILL be added.
- The only other thing that Quicken will do is link to TurboTax. However, MEGA-
- Check can export ASCII files in ANY format, so any ST tax package (Tax
- Wizard?) that will accept ASCII data (any good one SHOULD) will be able to use
- MEGA-Check data.
- Joe,
- No, believe it or not, Bob tells us that Joe and Maggie are REAL people who
- run their Catering and Shoe Repair businesses off of MEGA-Check and (as well
- as their personal finances) and he is going to take the reader throught a
- months worth of transactions. It sounds like it should be very educational.
- Back to R.NOAK,
- Sorry, about your question on TT medium res. Yes, we are going to make
- every attempt to get it to run in TT medium by the release date. The only
- thing slowing us down is... well, not having ANY local access to a TT. We
- will be looking for someone who can help us test but it might be slow going.
- I'll let you know. Of course, until then, anyone can run it on a TT in the ST
- resolutions.
- Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 46 Sun Mar 22, 1992
- R.NOAK at 22:55 EST
- Thanks for the answers. Looks like I will have to check out Mega Check. ;-)
- Randy @ Southlake, Inc.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 47 Mon Mar 23, 1992
- R.GLOVER3 [Rob] at 19:37 EST
- Chris,
- I just started reading this topic, and I haven't downloaded any of the demos
- yet, due to the high cost of GEnie as it is, but I have a question: I've been
- using Quicken under Spectre for a few years now, and I'm really sick of having
- to pop into Spectre to deal with my bank accounts (especially since my mono
- monitor is dead). Does Megacheck offer a way to read in Quicken data files,
- so I don't have to start from scratch?
- Rob
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 48 Wed Mar 25, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 01:47 EST
- Rob,
- No, not directly. However, does Quicken have some way to export your files
- as ASCII data? I ask because MEGA-Check CAN import ASCII data created by
- other packages to allow you to convert from one to another. As far as we're
- concerned, if your financial doesn't allow you to format your output reports
- in ANY format you wish (e.g. the format needed to import into MEGA-Check)
- then you are using the wrong package.
- If Quicken 3 for the Mac is anything similar (or less?) than Quicken 4 on the
- IBM I think you would be very pleased with MEGA-Check. We've gotten very
- positive feedback so far on the program and use it ourselves, of course, to
- manage Muller Automation. In addition, it is currently undergoing a MAJOR
- rewrite that will be MEGA-Check 2 by middle summer (we hope) that will remove
- ALL doubt that it is positively the most powerful, flexible and easy to use
- account and finance manager available for the ST. (we are very excited about
- this upgrade).
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 49 Sat Mar 28, 1992
- M.ABREU [Abe] at 16:52 EST
- Hmmm.... This is very interesting. Like a previous poster, I use PCDITTO and
- CheckMate to do my bank account management, but I'd like to find a ST native-
- mode application to do the same thing. Unfortunately I've tried the MegaCheck
- demo quite a few times and have failed to figure the darn thing out. All I
- need is checking and savings account management, not debits and credits.
- CheckMate was something I could use out of the box without looking at the docs
- (although some of the finer points required it), but I haven't had the same
- luck with MegaCheck.
- Maybe the docs. that come with the demo could guide me through setting up a
- checking account?
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 50 Sun Mar 29, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 21:36 EST
- Hi Abe,
- Sure, MEGA- Ch (oops..) MEGA-Check appears to be a bit much, at first. But
- it comes together all at once for most people. MEGA-Check is designed not
- only to help you manage a checking and savings account, but to also help you
- figure out things like WHAT the majority of your expenditures go on.
- If you wanted to just manage the checking and savings accounts, thats easy
- enough though. Just add the two accounts under the "Assets" parent via the
- Account Selector (to get to the account selector right click anywhere on the
- Entry Panel while the cursor is one of the Ledger fields). Type in "Checking"
- and click on Add Selection. Then select Assets as the parent. Then type in
- "Savings" and click on Add selection and select Assets once again.
- Then, whenever you withdraw money out of your checking or savings, just fill
- in all the blanks on the Entry Panel and DEBIT whichever account is being
- withdrawn against. CREDIT your "Owners Equity" account. This will always
- show your net worth (though, unless you enter your debts, it won't show your
- TRUE net worth). Whenever you make a deposit, simply CREDIT the checking (or
- savings) account and DEBIT your net worth.
- Most people get nervous just from the words "debit" and "credit" but I'm
- ;trying to get them away from that fear. There is absolutely NOTHING
- complicated about it. The guy who is writing our manual for version 2 didn't
- know ANYTHING about debits or credits and I sat down and explained it to him
- in less than 10 minutes. It really is very simple.
- But if you don't care to know where your money goes, there are several PD
- checkbook managers that will probably handle the job you need quite nicely.
- Hope this helps,
- Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 51 Sun Mar 29, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 22:14 EST
- David Gross, was that you who asked for adjustable field positions on the
- Entry Panel? You got it bud. Coming your way in MEGA-Check 2. I just
- finished up testing that portion last week. Looks great. You can, of course,
- save the field positions so that it comes up the same way every time.
- The fields snap to a 4-pixel grid to help you out in lining them up with other
- entry fields. I was also considering allowing you to adjust the ORDER in
- which the cursor jumps from field to field, or, at least the order of the
- three entry sections (Check section, ledger section and Memo section) or
- something. I was also thinking on allowing you to set the field SIZE to one
- of three different sizes, this might be a little less important since there is
- more than enough room for all of the fields on the entry panel.
- Later,
- Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 52 Wed Apr 01, 1992
- D.GROSS1 [Dave G.] at 21:47 EST
- Chris,
- COOL! I like the idea of making my field positions look like either my
- checkbook or my register. Honestly haven't play much...kind of waiting for MC
- 2!! Field size would be cool, but just as a toy. Main concern is SIMPLICITY
- for the begginer and ease of use. Keep all the cool heavy stuff for advanced
- users as they progress!!!
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 53 Fri Apr 03, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 01:04 EST
- It will remain ABOUT as easy to use as it is now (I hope that's good). BUT,
- two things will make it much easier. First, as I've already mentioned, Bob
- Heald is writing our manual. He's written countless lesson plans for
- countless subjects and has even taught them. He seems pretty good. I've been
- working over time, staying up until at least 2am on weeknights to work on MC
- 2 so that he will have something concrete to write about. His work is kind of
- slow going right now because he doesn't have the finished program to write
- about.
- The second thing that will make version 2 much easier is that it will have a
- MUCH better help system. I'm talking a pop-up scrollable window with a list
- of subjects you can get help on. When you get to the subject you're
- interested in there will be PARAGRAPHS AND PARAGRAPHS of excepts right from
- the manual! No need to keep pulling the manual down off the shelf! This help
- system will be similar to Microsoft Windows help system (which I have to admit
- is pretty impressive). You will also have the option, right on thedialog, to
- print out that section help text to your printer, if you wish.
- Oh, one more thing. We're considering allowing the user to use a text editor
- to modify the help files so that can add things to it as "reminders" of how to
- perform a certain function. Since it would be in their own words there is no
- doubt they'll understand it. Neato, eh?
- Still going to be a few months though.
- Later,
- Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 54 Fri Apr 03, 1992
- D.KERR1 [Drew] at 20:13 EST
- Chris:
- I am a registered owner of Megachek 1.21. I am currently having redraw
- problems. When I right click on a blank account, the right screen comes up but
- then instead of closing, it stays where it is while the arrow turns into a
- cursor (as if I was entering numbers on the main screen).
- I'm thinking this has to do with my new Atari 14" monochrome monitor because I
- don't seem to recall this happening on my old one.
- I just bought this program recently and I'm just beginning to learn it. It
- looks very promising.
- The manual is not the most comfortable. While it explains accounting
- procedures, I wish you'd included a few real hand-holding tutorials on
- starting and maintaining different types of accounts.
- Thanks,
- Drew
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 55 Mon Apr 06, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 00:45 EDT
- Drew,
- Could you please explain the problem in a little more detail? Are you
- saying that you are on the main screen and you right-click on the Entry Panel
- while the cursor is on one of the Ledger Account fields?
- After doing that, the Account Selector should appear, allowing you to select
- an account and then click on OK to carry it back to the Ledger Account field
- on the Entry Panel.
- I'll experiment with this process with 1.21. You might also want to download
- version 1.22 right here on GEnie. Off the top of my head, I can't remember
- what the enhancement to that version was.
- About the manual, as I've said here before, I can bet you'll be looking
- forward to the MEGA-Check 2 manual. It will have a full tutorial while it
- follows two persons running their personal and business finances for an entire
- month.
- Please clarify your problem, thanks,
- Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 56 Wed Apr 08, 1992
- B.GOCKLEY [Brian G.] at 21:50 EDT
- Hi Chris,
- Big request is the ability to run M-Check on a 19" moniter. I have been using
- the old ST Onewrite (Cash Disbursements module) from 1985, and would like to
- change over. My biggest problem is changing the way I'm used to working in the
- other program, which was a WYSIWYG Onewrite check register, with a very simple
- entry screen. Of course that's all well and good since the company is out of
- business, I guess it just spoiled me.
- Brian D Gockley ST Informer
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 57 Fri Apr 10, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 01:56 EDT
- The next release of MEGA-Check is going to be 2.0, which will give you the
- ability to customize your Entry Screen to your tastes. If you like WYSIWYG
- entry screen, you'll be able to drag the fields to their proper locations to
- get that affect.
- Support the the 19" monitor is also planned IF I can find someone to do a
- little testing for me (who has a 19" monitor, of course) as I don't know
- anyone in town who uses one.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 59 Fri Apr 10, 1992
- TOWNS [John@Atari] at 13:53 EDT
- I use a 19" monitor on my TT (in TT High Resolution). If you need me to
- help you test.. Just send me some Email, I would be happy to do it.
- -- John
- PS. I have been using Quicken under Spectre to handle my financial
- management. While I really like Quicken, I would rather use an
- Atari ST program to do it. I would welcome the opportunity to
- switch! Just say the word.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 60 Sat Apr 11, 1992
- D.FINTON [d/Thor] at 20:39 EDT
- I recently got Mega-Check and, aside from the lack of tutorial, I've got one
- major problem...
- When I click on Quit, it locks up the machine. This is on a 1040 STF, mono
- monitor, one floppy, system, with no D/As or auto programs running. Whats the
- problem?
- Thanks.
- -=|THOR|=-
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 61 Sun Apr 12, 1992
- B.ZAHN at 13:40 EDT
- Chris, We've been looking into your MEGA-Check product and have been
- impressed. We'd like to get started with it right away. However, we've heard
- that Version 2.0 will be coming soon for over 2X the cost of the current
- version. Is there a separate upgrade cost for users of 1.2?
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 62 Sun Apr 12, 1992
- R.GLOVER3 [Rob] at 16:46 EDT
- TWO TIMES the cost of 1.2? 1.2 was $40! Guess I'll stick with Quicken...
- Rob
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 63 Mon Apr 13, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 00:20 EDT
- Joe,
- Ok, "the checks in the mail". <grin>
- John,
- What's the magic word to get you to switch? (grin) Is there anything that
- Quicken does that's missing in MEGA-Check? Other than support for the
- CheckFree service, we know of none.
- About the testing, I'll send you a short program that just displays some
- system registers that I'll need reported back. I'll F-Mail it to you.
- Thor,
- What version do you have? This problem was inherent only in TOS 1.0
- machines many eons ago but has long since been fixed. If you got it
- "recently" then it must be something else. What version of TOS are you
- running also?
- Anyone else run into this problem?
- Yes, did I forget to mention that? It will be quite a bit cheaper to buy
- the current version and upgrade than it will for people who get version 2
- outright. Though pricing hasn't been finalized, we guarantee that the upgrade
- fee won't be more than $29 and may even be less than that. The most critical
- factor in determining this upgrade cost will be the production cost of the new
- manual. The upgrade fee DOES include our new 150+ page binded manual (which
- will probably be a three ring binded (for easy updates) manual). So the TOTAL
- cost of owners of version 1.x at the time of release for MEGA-Check 2 will be
- a maximum of $69.95, which in today's software market is not at all
- unreasonable.
- Believe it or not, one of the main reasons we arrived at a $99.95 (besides
- the MAJOR work that is going into it) is because we wanted to be equal in two
- areas (price and function) with "another" product in the ST market. Rest
- assured, the similarities end there, however. We are going to try to get a
- PUBLIC comparison review of the two products with no "justification" for MEGA-
- Check being the price. We want only power, ease of use, flexibility and speed
- to be the deciding criteria. For sci-fi buffs, we want to pit the Terminator
- (CSM-101) against Robo-Cop.
- Rob,
- Well, not quite. As I was just telling Mr. Zahn (Ms. Zahn???), users of
- version 1.x at the time version 2 is released will be able to upgrade for less
- than $29. That means you can buy it now (or in the near future) and get
- version 2 for a total price of less than $70.
- Not bad considering you get MORE than 2X the power, eh?
- Perhaps you'll change your mind about the Quicken vs. MEGA-Check 2
- cost/benefit ratios when you see the MEGA-Check 2 demo.
- Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 64 Mon Apr 13, 1992
- R.GLOVER3 [Rob] at 21:33 EDT
- Chris:
- If someone would be so kind as to post the latest MegaCheck demo on
- atari.archive, I'd download it. It's too big for me to D/L from GEnie. My
- monthly bill is already over $40 with minimal use.
- Besides, I'm severly broke. :(
- Rob
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 65 Mon Apr 13, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 23:50 EDT
- Can someone help Rob? I'm not familiar with atari.archive, don't even know
- what it is.
- Rob, if you leave me your address in GE-mail, I'll be happy to mail you a demo
- disk along with our brochure that describes MEGA-Check.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 66 Tue Apr 14, 1992
- B.GOCKLEY [Brian G.] at 09:52 EDT
- Hi Chris,
- I am running my TT with a 19" moniter and would be gald to help ANYONE who
- wants to make their program work on it! PLease send me E-mail regarding this,
- as well as upgrade info for the review.
- Thanks,
- Brian D Gockley ST Informer
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 68 Tue Apr 14, 1992
- R.GLOVER3 [Rob] at 21:48 EDT
- Just for the info, atari.archive is the nickname of atari.archive.umich.edu,
- the internet address of the University of Michigan Atari Archives. You
- connect to it via FTP (file transfer protocol), and can download lots and lots
- of files (though not as many as from GEnie) for the ST and 8-bit.
- I'll send you my address in Email... thanks!
- Rob
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 69 Fri Apr 17, 1992
- D.FINTON [d/Thor] at 01:35 EDT
- Thor,
- What version do you have? This problem was inherent only in TOS 1.0
- machines many eons ago but has long since been fixed. If you got it
- "recently" then it must be something else. What version of TOS are you
- running also?
- The version which came in the package I purchased was 1.20, and the version
- on the disk you sent when I registered it was 1.22. oth copies crash when I
- quit the program.
- My machine is an old 1040 with TOS 1.0. Anything I can do about this aside
- from upgrading my TOS? (I'd >love< to get the TEC board with 2.06, but cash is
- tight. I just spent all my ready on a hard drive.)
- Thanks for any help you can give.
- -=|THOR|=-
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 70 Sun Apr 19, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 19:10 EDT
- Thor,
- Ok, I'll look into it. I'll have to go to a friends house who has a 1.0
- machine. Also, please tell me if you are running color or mono.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 71 Tue May 12, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 23:58 EDT
- I just decided, on the spur of the moment, to implement a user-interface
- function similar to the new Calamus SL. At your option, you can specify that
- all dialog boxes appear either centered on the screen like most programs do,
- or you can choose to have them centered under the mouse pointer so you have a
- minimum of required mouse movement. The system work very nicely.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 72 Fri May 22, 1992
- B.GOCKLEY [Brian G.] at 09:29 EDT
- Chris,
- Dan Simpson's phone # is 914-248-1058. He is looking forward to your call.
- Keep up the good work, we've needed a package like this for a while now. Now
- if you could add in an "export to Tax Wizard" feature...
- Brian D Gockley ST Informer
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 73 Sat May 23, 1992
- D.FINTON [D/Thor] at 23:09 EDT
- Atari-ST RoundTable Category 6, Topic 6 Message 70 Sun Apr 19, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 19:10 EDT
- > Ok, I'll look into it. I'll have to go to a friends house who has a 1.0 >
- machine. Also, please tell me if you are running color or mono.
- Chris,
- Sorry About taking so long to get back to you. I've been moving recently and
- everythings been a mess.
- Okay, I'm running Mega Check on a mono system.
- I discovered that the program only crashes in a specific circumstance, which
- is quitting without saving the data. It also locks up if I run the program,
- look at ti a bit, then quit with out loading any data files.
- That's a little less annoying, as when I actually start to USE the program,
- I will surely save my data.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 74 Sun May 24, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 22:22 EDT
- Ok, that is quite helpful because that means it is blowing up on the Alert
- that alerts you that your data is not saved. Maybe I'm using a character in
- the alert box that 1.0 doesn't like. I'll give it another look. Thanks for
- elaborating, it is VERY helpful for weird situations like this...
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 75 Sun May 24, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 22:24 EDT
- Brian,
- A *LONG* time ago I tried to get some info on a way to contact the author
- of Tax Wizard from Rod MacDonald but he couldn't help me. It appears that
- his software company is selling it, right? Can you help?
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 76 Thu May 28, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 02:23 EDT
- Ok THOR, I think I have your TOS 1.0 problem figured out. I sent you a little
- tiny program in F-Mail. Please run it and see if you have any problems.
- Report back to me here or in E-Mail. If it works, I'll fix MEGA-Check and
- send it to you.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 77 Thu May 28, 1992
- D.GROSS1 [Dave G.] at 08:01 EDT
- Chris,
- oooo,aaahh,oohhh... can't wait for the next version with all the new
- goodies...have been a little dormant with the program as business is picking
- up...one the new one is out, I'll have tons of stuff to input!! Keep us
- informed!
- Dave Gross
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 78 Wed Jun 03, 1992
- B.GOCKLEY [Brian G.] at 12:10 EDT
- Hi Chris,
- Look for the review to run in the July issue, as per your suggestion. The
- update sounds like it will give us a good reason for a second look. BTW, The
- number I gave you for the reviewer had a transposition in it. The correct
- number is 1-914-248-7058. Sheesh, another typo from an editor!
- Re: TAX info, you should contact Tyson Gill.
- Brian D Gockley ST Informer
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 79 Thu Jun 04, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 23:29 EDT
- Brian,
- Ok, thanks. I'll contact the reviewer.
- Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 80 Wed Jul 22, 1992
- J.LEMLEY [Jack] at 22:58 EDT
- Hi All!
- I haven't heard anything in a while on the major Megacheck upgrade. Where
- is it?
- Jack
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 81 Sun Jul 26, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 22:36 EDT
- Hi Jack,
- We're still around. Working on version 2 has us SO busy that we haven't
- even had time to GEnie around very much! We just started to go to work on the
- new manual. The program is looking VERY fine!
- Reports can now be displayed in windows. Clicking on any report line will
- jump back to the Entry Panel where you can edit that record.
- There is a complete mailing list manager built in. Each transaction can
- refer, by name or company, to a record in your mailing list table and pull it
- up on your reports. Mailing labels can be printed one at a time, straight
- from the "Associate Selector" (that's what its called) or in a batch mode,
- including only those which are needed to print off that months (or weeks???)
- bills. It's pretty neat.
- You can now also define up to 7 additional fields that describe each
- transaction. I will be using these to expand my Memo description of each
- transaction up to 8 lines of text each. Of course, each of these fields can
- be searched and reported.
- We have also included a "Classification Selector" which will allow you to
- keep track of all of those Classifications. Literally, there will be NO holes
- in tracking your money paths.
- Online help for each panel is available in a scrollable window on each
- screen. Much better than the current limited help system.
- Balance warnings, Growth/Depreciation multipliers for EACH account as well
- as keeping track of the balance, number of affecting transactions, and last
- activity date (to generate Accounts receivable reports).
- Models are now chainable. When one model is finished, another model can
- automatically be set to take off. An additional model type is now also
- available ("Update models", a la Change Records panel in ver 1, hint hint).
- The manual is being written by Bob Heald. He has written and taught many
- lesson plans in several subjects (mostly in law enforcement topics) in various
- parts of the country. He is undoubtedly much more qualified to write the
- manual and all of the online help will be excerpts from the manual (which, by
- the way, are accessed randomly from disk, meaning it doesn't eat up your
- machines memory).
- Well, I gotta get back to work on it... Any ideas, questions, or
- suggestions, please holler...
- But we are DEFINITELY still here,
- Chris Muller
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 82 Fri Jul 31, 1992
- D.GROSS1 [Dave G.] at 00:33 EDT
- Chris,
- Nice to know you're still around. I've kind of shelved the thing till the
- next version...(got spoiled with Quicken on my buddies MAC...) Send me demo's
- and beta's! I'll try to put them to the test! Just remember what I said a
- long time I go...Assume we know nothing and make us understand the BASICS in
- less than an hour or two. Then once we're amazed at how cool it is, take us
- to the bells and whistles! You'll sell a bunch of them... It's a cool
- product!
- Dave Gross
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 83 Sun Aug 02, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 21:23 EDT
- I don't know if anyone else reads ST-Informer, but we just had our first
- review and it was very positive. Very happy with it, overall, though they
- could've shown a little better variety of screen shots and gotten a little
- more detailed on some of the functionality. But I ain't got no
- dissatisfaction here...
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 84 Mon Aug 31, 1992
- J.LEMLEY [Jack] at 00:13 EDT
- Hi All,
- I've got the opportunity to purchase a copy of Mega Check for a very
- reasonable price. Don't know the version number. What will the upgrade cost to
- 2.0 be? and when will the upgrade be shipping?
- Thanks
- Jack
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 85 Mon Sep 07, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 15:35 EDT
- Jack,
- We are still working on version 2.0. It is absolutely phonomenal (sp?)! The
- upgrade price from version 1 will be $29. The purchase price of version 2
- will be $99. Our UNOFFICIAL release date for version 2 is November 1st, 1992.
- We'd like to put the program through an entire month of testing, but if we can
- get a few extra testers we may be able to cut that down.
- - Chris
- PS - the $29 upgrade fee INCLUDES a brand new 3-ring manual with a COMPLETE
- tutorial and a nice slip case to shelf the whole thing. Very attractive!
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 86 Wed Sep 09, 1992
- D.GROSS1 [Dave G.] at 19:52 EDT
- Chris,
- WWHHAAAAAA!!! Nov. 1...we want it now!!! The upgrade fee seems pretty
- fair...need any more beta testers <g>???
- dave Gross
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 87 Sun Sep 20, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 22:42 EDT
- Well, I'm very excited to announce that MEGA-Check 2 will have
- M U L T I - T A S K I N G ! ! !
- That's right! The despite the sophistication of the report generator (uh,
- that's the NEW REPORT GENERATOR) ALL reports in MEGA-Check 2, regardless of
- their complexity, will be generated in the background. You will be able to
- enter records, view other reports, even perform database updates or balance
- your checkbook! The only thing you can't do, of course, is attempt to modify
- the report currently being generated with the report generator (because the
- file format of the report file is already defined and open, and it can't be
- changed while the print is in progress. It can, of course, be changed AFTER
- the print is complete).
- All reports are completely generated before they are printed to the screen,
- and the method of viewing them on the screen is in a scrollable window.
- Despite this, the text of the report DOES NOT, repeat, DOES NOT eat up your
- memory! That's because the reports are actually stored in temporary file that
- is accessed RANDOMLY. As your scrolling down through the report window, you
- may notice that your drive light lights up momentarily. That's because it is
- bringing in the next block of report lines into the Atari's disk I/O buffer.
- Of course, reports can also printed to an ASCII file or to your printer WITH
- PRINTER CODES (e.g. bold, italic, underlining, proper page breaks...) either
- automatically OR ONLY after you've had a chance to view it and make sure
- everything looks o.k. Oh, the report window view is also W.Y.S.I.W.Y.G.,
- meaning all the underlining and bolding and italicing appears on the screen
- also. It can even be "Zoomed-in" or "Zoomed-out" to see more or less of it...
- Without a doubt, the report generator in MEGA-Check 2 was the most diffi- cult
- to code, but it has been worth it. I doubt you'll find any report generator
- that even comes close, ANYWHERE!
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 88 Mon Sep 21, 1992
- B.GOCKLEY [Brian G.] at 22:40 EDT
- Yikes! Will it Multitask with MultiTOS?
- Brian D Gockley ST Informer
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 89 Wed Sep 23, 1992
- TOWNS [John@Atari] at 00:11 EDT
- Wow, Chris.. you have been busy haven't you?
- Do you need a TT 1280x960 MultiTOS Beta-Tester? <grin>
- -- John
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 90 Wed Sep 23, 1992
- D.GROSS1 [Dave G.] at 01:15 EDT
- Chris,
- OOhhh, AAAhhh...I'm anxiously awaiting the arival of MEGA CHECK 2. I'll be
- glad to put it through it's paces in the studio for you!
- Dave
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 91 Thu Sep 24, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 23:48 EDT
- Brian,
- I have no idea... Is there a such thing as MultiTOS yet?
- John,
- Well, I guess that might be helpful. Our deadline is very quickly charging
- us head on and testing with machines/OS's that we don't have will probably be
- pretty time consuming. I *DO* plan to support all resolutions at the first
- release, but I have *NO* information on Multi-TOS. All I know is that you
- CAN operate any other portion of MEGA-Check while reports are being generated
- in the background INCLUDING your accessories (if they are GEM "event" driven,
- which most are). From a user perspective, how does Multi-TOS work, are the
- programs that you are multi-tasking available from the accessory bar, kind of
- lik e that other "multi-tasking" thing that Rimik was distributing? (though
- I'm sure it will work much better than that one...)
- Thanks,
- Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 92 Sat Sep 26, 1992
- K.BROOKS1 [New Horizon] at 02:03 EDT
- Ooooooh! Chris..... I want! I use Quicken for the Mac using Spectre. Cost us
- $49.00 Canadian ($40 US) and works GREAT. Sounds like MegaChek will match or
- beat it except in price. Sure you can't get the price down a bit? Although,
- I guess with the market potential of Atari vs Macintosh, price might have to
- be higher for us. That aside, do you need another beta tester?/???? If not,
- will Pacific be carrying it? EMail me the dealer pricing please! Have been
- waiting for this awhile.
- Keith New Horizon EMail KBROOKS1
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 94 Mon Sep 28, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 01:48 EDT
- Keith,
- The CURRENT version of MEGA-Check is already cheaper than Quicken, and in a
- lot of ways, a better product. There are a couple of things (like Checkfree)
- that Quicken does that MEGA-Check doesn't, but version 2 is so far above
- Quicken 5.0 that it will be worth the extra dough, if you want the best
- finance tracker.
- Unfortunately, the price of $99 is pretty set, mainly due to the ENOURMOUS
- amount of work that has gone into it. There is not a single detail overlooked
- in this version and I feel that it is congruous with the price of most other
- high-end finance packages.
- Pacific has been carrying the original MEGA-Check for quite some time. If
- you are a dealer, you can obtain from them. Most dealers carry version 1
- right now, we're confident that this will carry over to version 2.
- We have a lot of offers for beta-testers, thank you very much. Please let
- me know what system you have and I'll E-Mail you if you can help.
- thanks,
- Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 95 Tue Sep 29, 1992
- D.GROSS1 [Dave G.] at 00:22 EDT
- Chris,
- I've got 4 megs in my 1040 with tos 1.4 and a 52 meg hd...I'd still like to
- try to put MEGA 2 through it's paces running the recording studio...I'm also
- the treasurer for the Orlando Area Advertising Federation...I'd like to try to
- set up an account for it on Mega 2..
- Dave gross
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 96 Tue Oct 13, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 01:10 EDT
- Well, I'm ready to create some printer drivers and can use your help. I need
- to know the codes your printer needs to perform the following functions:
- Turn on Underlining Turn off underlining
- Turn on bold Turn off bold
- Turn on italic Turn off italic
- Skip to next page
- This is a total of 7 codes. Usually (at least for Epson compatibles, this
- code starts with an Escape code (dec 27).
- You can give them to me in ASCII, hex or decimal.
- For every printer that I get a response for, a printer driver will be created
- and included with the commercial package. All other printers will need to use
- the built-in "Printer Configuration" panel where a driver can be created by
- just entering the values I'm requesting now.
- Thanks a lot,
- - Chris
- PS - I currently have values for Epson 9-pin printers and the HP
- DeskJet 500. I need them for HP Laser, Atari laser, and any
- others you all might have. Thanks again.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 97 Wed Oct 14, 1992
- R.NOAK at 07:44 EDT
- Chris,
- Here is the info for the HP IIIP:
- Turn on Underlining:
- 027 038 100 048 068 (100)
- Turn on Bold:
- 027 040 115 051 066 (98)
- Turn on Italic:
- 027 040 115 049 083 (115)
- Skip to next page:
- 027 038 108 048 072 (104)
- Turn off underlining:
- 027 038 100 064
- Turn off bold & Italic (normal text):
- 027 040 115 048 083 (115)
- Hope that helps.
- Randy @ Southlake, Inc.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 98 Wed Oct 14, 1992
- D.GROSS1 [Dave G.] at 17:41 EDT
- Chris,
- I've got a Panasonic KX1123...I looked through the book and couldn't really
- find much...From what I understand, it EPSON 950 compatable...don't know what
- that means...hope it helps anyway...LOOKING FORWARD TO THE UPGRADE!!!!
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 100 Thu Oct 15, 1992
- TOWNS [John@Atari] at 18:44 EDT
- Any chance for GDOS support? I would be willing to help..
- -- John
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 101 Thu Oct 15, 1992
- K.BROOKS1 [New Horizon] at 21:30 EDT
- Yeah! Gimme MegaChek with the ability to use my FSM! Way to go John!!!
- Keith New Horizon
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 102 Mon Oct 19, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 00:08 EDT
- Randy, Thanks, we'll include a IIIP driver...
- Jim Moses, yes, your order shipped out last week. You should get it any day
- if not already...
- John and Keith, GDOS won't be supported in the intial release, but we'll
- consider it if we get enough requests. For the most part, if you want to use
- various fonts, etc. you should import the report into a page layout program to
- get the full use of all of its capabilities. MEGA-Check reports are designed
- to provde INFORMATION in an easy to read format, not a document that looked
- like it was produced with a DTP program...
- Thanks,
- Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 104 Sun Oct 25, 1992
- J.LEMLEY [Jack] at 17:11 EST
- Hi All!
- I've been away for 6 weeks. What's the status of Megacheck 2 and what
- will the upgrade cost from version 1.2 be?
- Thanks
- Jack
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 105 Mon Oct 26, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 01:25 EST
- Hi Jack,
- The status of version 2 is "very close". I told everyone a while back that
- Nov. 1st would be the release date. I am now sure that that is a little
- optimistic for release. That will more-likely be the date for the start of
- beta-testing, which will probably take a couple of weeks. But we should still
- be able to make the middle of November. It defnitely looks very good and I
- promise everyone that the wait will be more than worth it.
- As promised, we will keep the upgrade price *very low* (I'm almost losing my
- shirt on it). It will be $29 plus a small shipping fee.
- I'll try to keep everyone updated on my progress, but I'm trying to spend
- 100% of my time getting it out the door.
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 106 Sat Nov 07, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 00:50 EST
- Another nice feature of MEGA-Check 2: Whenever models are activated, MC2 can
- be set to ask you questions (which YOU define) that will prompt you for
- various inputs to that model. For example, say there is a report that you
- like to look at on a regular basis. Well, with version 1 you create the
- report and your selection criteria (say you create it for a specific month)
- and you save the report model.
- But if you want to see the same report for a DIFFERENT month, you have to
- select the report, go into your Select Records panel and change the criteria
- and then print the report. Well, with version 2 that stuff is all changed.
- Now you can set it to ASK you for whatever it is you want whatever month you
- want the report for. So when you select the report, a box appears asking you,
- you simply type the answer and that's what you get. Multiple questions can be
- asked for a report too.
- There are now FIVE model types instead of just three. And each of the five
- types supports this dynamic querying facility. Each type also supports a
- single alarm system, where in version one, only two of the model types
- supported their own alarm system.
- Progress has been good, though I'm afraid that Nov. 15th is still too
- optimistic. Its done enough that I've converted my version 1 file over and am
- now using it to track the company, but it still isn't ready for you guys. I
- still have to "fill in the cracks", so to speak.
- I'll try to keep you all updated.
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 107 Sat Nov 07, 1992
- J.MOSES2 [moses] at 11:38 EST
- Chris,
- Keep it going!! I got M-Check a couple of weeks and LOVE it. The flexible
- structuring is terrific - something I haven't seen anywhere else,i.e. Quicken,
- Tobias,etc.
- Looking forward to 2. Jim
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 108 Mon Nov 09, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 01:53 EST
- Glad you like version 1. I think I'd have a little trouble going back to it
- now that I've been on version 2.
- Oh, unless there is a big complaint about it, I think the conversion process
- from version 1 to version 2 data files will be a two step process. First, you
- will have to load in a model file into version 1 (using "Load Models only")
- and execute a model that I have set up. Then you will use the "Import"
- function on version 2 to simply import this file. This is a much "safer" way
- than a simple file conversion because it assures that all of your data gets
- past all of the "edits" (checks for valid data) in version 2. Theoretically,
- there shouldn't be any problems with a simple conversion, but this way is a
- lot safer. And its something that you'll only have to do once.
- I hope that everyone will be doing it very soon. I'm sorry to say that the
- program is still not totally complete, but unit testing has been going very
- well. We'd rather release a solid product a little late than one riddled with
- bugs. It will save you AND us time and headaches. Thanks, everyone, for you
- patience.
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 109 Tue Nov 17, 1992
- J.PERRY13 [John Perry] at 19:15 EST
- I'm looking for a new financial program for my Mega STe. I have been using
- PHA$AR for the past year (and have enjoyed it alot!); there is, however, one
- feature that I'd really like to have. I'm not sure if this is "double entry"
- bookkeeping that I'm refering to, but I'll describe it as best I can and maybe
- someone will be able to help me out.
- I want to deal with each of my expense categories as "accounts." I hope to be
- able to PRE-DESIGNATE money for each expense. This way, if I have a big
- expense (let's say my car breaks) and all the money I had designated to the
- "Car Repair" account is gone, I need to TRANSFER money from another account
- that I have a little extra in (maybe "Home Improvement" or something like
- that) TO my "Car Repair" account. What I want is a way to pre-assign our funds
- into various accounts (Home Improvement, Car Repair, Entertainment, etc.).
- The catch with that system is how to make it compatible with my bank. I
- didn't physically transfer money from my chequing account to "Car Repair" or
- "Groceries" accounts, so this might create a problem when it comes time to
- reconcile my bank account.
- Does MEGA-Check (or any other package for the ST) do this? I hope its clear
- what I'm trying to say; if it's not please ask and I'll try again.
- Thanks.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 110 Sun Nov 22, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 18:06 EST
- John, yes, I think I follow you. It sounds like you are allocating money to
- separate logical accounts, even though it resides in only one physical
- account. That is peanuts for MEGA-Check. In fact, if you want to make a
- monthly contribution to one of your expense accounts (rather than one big one
- at the beginning of the year) MEGA-Check will handle the transfers
- AUTOMATICALLY. If you go over one month, it will get a "nega- tive" balance,
- but the next automatic contribution would bring it back up to positive
- This doesn't create any balancing problems since the money is still in your
- Checking account.
- Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 111 Sun Nov 22, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 18:13 EST
- Well, I had a little fire here last week. I was lucky. Only did about a
- grand in damage, but it is a pain in the butt.
- MEGA-Check 2 should be starting beta-testing this week. We checked memory
- consumption last week and it definitely will not run on a 512K machine unless
- we have time to split the initialization into a separate module. HOwever, that
- will make it impossible to do a "New" on a file, so I am going to have to
- weight that...
- The only other questions that we're tryiong to answer are what to do when two
- models activated at the same time are in conflict. There are a lot of
- possible combinations and some cause problems stepping on each other. For
- example, the report generator can only generate one report at a time, so if
- another report is selected at the time one is being generated, you won't be
- able to.
- You'll be able to select any detail line in a report and bring it up on the
- Entry Panel for editing, or, even better, select multiple detail records and
- put them through a global change (this is great for balancing your checkbook,
- you just select all the checks that have cleared and then click on "Change"
- and it tells you the balance on your bank statement).
- Well more later,
- Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 112 Fri Dec 04, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 01:47 EST
- Well, everything seems to be in place and beta-testing is going well on
- everything except the report generator. Some of its special features are
- still in need of some cleaning up (but it works for the most part) and I'm
- still going to add some special report components. This is pretty easy to do
- since all of the available report components are defined in an internal table
- in the program and it is pretty much just a matter of adding a line to that
- table and writing the small section of code to support it. Averages and
- continuous averages for any account will be in there, and are proving to be a
- little challenge.
- Back to work... - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 113 Sun Dec 06, 1992
- D.GROSS1 [Dave G.] at 23:55 EST
- Chris,
- When you get an extra moment, please post a SHORT statement comparing the new
- features of MC II with other programs like Quicken...
- Will you be posting a Demo version of II?
- Dave Gross
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 114 Mon Dec 07, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 02:05 EST
- Yes, there will be a demo, just like version 1.
- I'll post a fairly extensive list of features on version 2 shortly and
- possibly include a few comparisons to Quicken. Some people might think that
- that would be a comparison of Apples to Oranges, however, since MEGA-Check 2
- is geared more toward double-entry accounting and Quicken seems to be
- positioned toward people who just want to balance there checkbooks, even
- though the program will do more. People who are looking for more power would
- probably lean toward an accounting package.
- Hopefully this weekend (the weekend of the 12th) I'll have time to do it.
- First priority is to get beta-testing completed.
- Later,
- Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 115 Mon Dec 07, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 02:11 EST
- I will be contacting some of you who volunteered to beta-test soon. I really
- will need someone with a TT since we have enough ST testers.
- However, I am a little concerned that the TT version may end up needing to
- wait until GFA comes out with their 3.7 (due at the turn of the year) version
- of GFA. The current version that supports the TT, they claim, has bugs and is
- not reliable. Therefore I am not going to release the version compiled with
- 3.6 (the current TT compat version) mainly because if it starts crashing your
- machine due to a compiler error, I don't want to spend time looking into the
- problem and then find out that it was a compiler error all along. MC 2 is
- very modular and so far VERY stable.
- It is resolution independent, so when GFA comes out with their 3.7 (which may
- be even be within a couple of weeks) MC 2 will be immediately compiled to run
- on the TT.
- Later, Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 116 Mon Dec 07, 1992
- R.NOAK at 19:48 EST
- Chris,
- If you recall, I have a TT030.
- Randy @ Southlake, Inc.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 117 Wed Dec 09, 1992
- K.BROOKS1 [New Horizon] at 01:30 EST
- Me Too! Three of them including a TTM195. And I was here first, wasn't
- I?????????? Randy and I could beta it in tandem! Hey let's go for it!!!!
- Keith @ New Horizon
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 118 Thu Dec 10, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 00:39 EST
- Down boys! :)
- Both of you are on the list. I'll be contacting some of you HOPEFULLY within
- the next week. It'll be when I ca n no longer find anything taht needs to be
- added/fixed.
- I am realizing that I took a HUGE bite with this report generator. It is the
- only thing left that I'm finishing up (other than the help text of the help
- windows, which will be direct excerpts out of the manual, so I'm still
- waiting on Bob for those). Anyway, as far as the report generator goes it is
- AWESOME, but I'm glad reports are generated in the background because I've
- added so much that it is starting to bog just a little. Compiled version is
- more than twice as fast though...
- The only thing left to add is are some special report components including
- some special totalling and computational components. Something that is unique
- and really neat about MEGA-Check is that you can have a Total component be at
- the DETAIL level OR at the REPORT END level. That means if you use a total on
- each detail record, that it will give you the total THUS FAR (e.g. as far as
- that report line).
- The simplest example of what I'm trying to explain is to use the record count
- total. If you put this as a REPORT END level, it will simply give you the
- total number of transactions that were selected for that report. However, if
- you put it at the detail level you will get:
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- etc...
- Anyway, "average balances" and other stuff will work this way too.
- later,
- Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 119 Fri Dec 11, 1992
- K.BROOKS1 [New Horizon] at 01:27 EST
- OK CHRIS! Does this mean I can finally stop running to Macintosh Quicken to
- do the cheque book?????
- Keith
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 120 Sun Dec 13, 1992
- C.MULLER3 at 23:57 EST
- Keith, of course!
- Well, report totals and sub-totals are finally working. The only thing left
- is to make make sure that your Account Table reports and Mailing List reports
- are working correctly (they're coded, but all testing has been with reporting
- from the Transaction table so far, that is, your check and ledger entries).
- Can't wait to get into production. "Real soon now..."
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 121 Thu Dec 31, 1992
- J.MOSES2 [moses] at 22:45 EST
- Chris,
- I'm having a problem with some of my starting balances not showing up
- after entry - that is, the amounts don't show up on the record even though
- they are counted in the ledger???
- Specifically, if I have an asset account for my home mortgage and
- credit it with $75000 then debit my Owner's equity account for the same
- amount, the record is accepted and proper totals show up when I list accounts,
- but no dollar figure shows up when paging thru records - just the account
- names. Any ideas? This makes it difficult to follow starting balances, to say
- the least. I didn't use a check # or amount - just selected the accounts to
- debit/credit and entered the amount in the first ledger field.
- Thanks, Jim
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 122 Sun Jan 03, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 17:44 EST
- Jim,
- Yes, you have hit a small bug in MC in which numbers that are as big as the
- size of the Ledger Amount field -1 (including three digits for the decimal
- point and cents), it won't show up on the Entry Panel.
- Can you leave your serial # to me in E-Mail (to make it easier to find you)
- and I'll send you a patched version. If you can live with it for just a
- little longer (version 2 does not exhibit this problem) then that is fine. It
- was never found in our original testing because no one here is rich enough to
- have such big numbers!!! :)
- It does take about an hour so let me know in GEmail...
- Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 123 Tue Jan 05, 1993
- J.MOSES2 [moses] at 20:56 EST
- Chris,
- Thanks for the quick reply! Unfortunately, the starting balances in
- question were mortgage figures (ouch) not income...but the fix will be
- welcome. I'm enjoying getting to know this program! It's pretty effortless. A
- couple of ideas.... how about including automatic principle/interest payment
- amounts to proper accounts for mortgage handling. That is, a mechanism to
- track the change in the size of the principle owed and interest paid based on
- terms of the mortgage? I think this would be helpful. Also, inclusion of tax
- tables for automatic payrol generation would make this a more useful product
- at the commercial level.
- Keep going! It's the most intuitive system I've seen so far ( I have Quicken,
- Moneycounts at work).
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 124 Sun Jan 10, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 23:34 EST
- MEGA-Check 2 MAY be able to handle the interest you are talking about.
- Specifically, for each account, you can specify what is called a
- "Growth/Depreciation Factor" that can be combined with a monthly trans action
- model (or whatever frequency of compounding you want) that will take the
- balance of that account at that time and debit or credit it by the Growth
- Factor times the balance. The simplest example application of this would be a
- simple 5% interest checking account. Say it is compounded monthly. Using the
- new Account Selector, specify a "Growth/Depreciation factor" of .00417 (which
- is simply .05/12). Then set up a transaction model which will simply debit
- this account using an asterisk character:
- 01/10/1993 Checking *
- Net Worth [leave blank]
- The asterisk will tell it to use the balance of the account*the Growth/
- Depreciation factor as the ledger entry (leaving the Net Worth amount blank
- tells MEGA-Check to use the same amount that is computed on the top line).
- Does this make sense? If the balance of your checking is $1000, then it will
- automatically debit your checking account for $4.17 automatically this month.
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 125 Sun Jan 10, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 23:35 EST
- Well, I will be testing the other resolutions this week (actually just medium,
- I'll have to use our beta-testers to test in TT, but, as I said in an earlier
- message, it may not work at all on the TT... we'll see...)
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 126 Mon Jan 11, 1993
- J.LEMLEY [Jack] at 20:16 EST
- Hi All!
- I have a 1.2x version of Mega Check and am very interested in version
- 2.0. What is the upgrade cost and anticipated release date?
- Thanks
- Jack
- BTW I'm a long time Phasar user but need more power!
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 127 Thu Jan 14, 1993
- D.ALVEAR1 [Dom Alvear] at 04:16 EST
- Chris,
- I just purchased Mega-Check from somebody here on GEnie. I was wondering what
- the procedure would be to transfer the ownership? Also, what is the latest
- version?
- Dom
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 128 Mon Jan 18, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 00:47 EST
- Hi Jack,
- Version 2.0 is coming along very well. Alpha-testing has been going very
- smoothly, although I am going to have to make some adjustments to several of
- the dialogs to get it to look a little "cleaner" in medium resolution (some of
- the panel buttons are running up against other panel buttons due to the lower
- resolution). Have spent the last week fine-tuning medium res and I should
- have it wrapped up in the next couple of days.
- I must say that estimating projects is an art that I have yet to master
- because I have grossly underestimated the time required by version 2 when I
- said November 1st. Oh well, that seems to happen at a lot of companies.
- Anyway, I would say that a SAFE release would be first quarter of this year.
- The only thing is that Bob has had some unexpected duties come up that is
- going to disallow him from being able to continue working on the manual enough
- to get it completed on time. I am going to finish it and he will typeset it
- on Calamus SL. It will be printed on an HP LaserJet IV at 600 dpi (with
- Resolution Enhancement) which should make for a nice looking manual.
- One other thing, we will be closed from January 27th through February 7th,
- and will re-open February 8th.
- Oh, the tentative upgrade price is going to be $29 plus a small shipping
- fee, depending on how heavy the manual turns out, since that price does
- include the brand new 3-ring bound manual (with a slipcase like LDW Power) but
- will probably be about $5, so $34 with shipping. This price is practically set
- in stone. We have already looked into production costs and it looks like
- we'll be able to pull this off at the low $29.
- Hi Dom,
- Well, we have never had a transfer of ownership, but I suppose leave me an E-
- Mail message telling me who the previous owner was and I'll leave you
- instructions from there...
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 129 Mon Jan 25, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 01:24 EST
- Hi all, just taking a break to say that medium res took a lot of work to get
- to look exactly right, and still needs a few finishing touches. I hate to let
- this go with less than perfect cosmetics. Basically, just a few of the dialog
- buttons are too close together (i.e. edges touching) when scaled in medium
- res. Shouldn't take but another night or two to touch 'e'em up.
- I'll be leaving for Switzerland for 13 days Tuesday night. Looking forward
- to the trip a lot and hope to see one or two Atari's over there. At any rate,
- it will probably not delay the project any since Bob will be working (and
- hopefully finishing) the manual while I'm gone. I'm going to leave a copy of
- the program to my main beta-tester so that he'll have a list of bugs
- (hopefully he won't have any!) to fix when I come back. After that, I'll
- pass out a demo copy to others who requested to beta-test and, depending on
- how that all goes, will release the product a couple of weeks after that.
- We just got our HP LaserJet IV printer which will be printing our manuals at
- 600x600dpi, so it should look pretty decent.
- Later, Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 130 Thu Jan 28, 1993
- J.LEMLEY [Jack] at 19:55 EST
- Chris,
- RE: >...After that, I'll pass out a demo copy to others who requested
- to >beta-test and, depending on how that all goes, will .......
- Does that mean I'll get a demo copy ha does it ha :-) please pretty please!!!!
- I'll send you the upgrade cost now if you want.
- Thanks
- Jack
- BTW I did request to beta for ya.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 131 Sun Feb 07, 1993
- J.MOSES2 [moses] at 13:04 EST
- Howdy!
- Haven't heard anything here for a while - what's up with Mega-check 2
- and has that limitation in the income/deposit field been fixed?
- Thanks, Jim
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 132 Sun Feb 14, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 17:41 EST
- Sorry all, I just got back from Switzerland / Germany. Pretty neat over
- therethere. We are back in full swing now.
- A couple of new items. I will be taking over the manual at the end of this
- week and it will be transferred to a PC to finish it up (there just isn't very
- much support for the HP LaserJet IV on the Atari). There is quite a bit to
- be finished, however, so hopefully a month is pessimistic.
- I converted my financial file manually (from version 1.22) and still need to
- write a conversion program for the user. It'll be quick and dirty, with just
- a fileselector for input .MC file and a fileselector for the output .MC2
- file. I hope to have that done in one night.
- I will add support for 600dpi of the LaserJet IV in MEGA-Check 2. The codes
- appear to be in the manual.
- Jack,
- I'll try and get you a demo copy this week. It would be VERY helpful (and
- save me some time) if you could distribute it to others who would like to
- beta-test so I won't have to find my list and do it. It may seem a little
- weird but I don't even have time to blink if I want to get thsi out by
- yesterday (duhhhh...).
- Jim Moses,
- Which limitation are you speaking of? The negative for deposits? Or the
- shortness of the field? Sorry, can you refresh my memory. BOTH of those are
- fixed. There are enough digits to make entries in the millions (99 million,
- if I remember correctly). Also, the negative sign is long gone. You don't
- even have to make deposits a check entry anymore. It will recognize a debit
- or credit to your checking account and allow you to get a running balance
- based on the ledger entries (rather than the just the Check Amount field).
- Sorry to be gone so long everybody. I'm back and hope to deliver you the
- Ultimate Ultimate Finance Manager "Real Soon Now".
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 133 Mon Feb 15, 1993
- B.GOCKLEY [Brian G.] at 10:43 EST
- As far as I have heard, Calamus SL has a driver for the HP4, and the old HP3
- driver in PageStream works very well. I believe that PageStream has just
- uploaded a new driver for the HP4 within the last few days.
- Good luck! Don't forget to breathe!
- Brian G. @ ST Informer
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 134 Tue Feb 16, 1993
- J.LEMLEY [Jack] at 00:05 EST
- Chris,
- I'll be happy to get the demo to those who wish to help out!
- Those of you who have expressed an interest in beta testing this tremendous
- financial package for Chris please E-Msil me (J.LEMLEY).
- Chris please E-Mail me any particulars regarding distribution ie restrictions
- of the demo when you send the demo to me..
- Thanks
- Jack
- BTW Glad to have you back!!!!!
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 135 Mon Feb 22, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 03:20 EST
- Brian, ok, thanks, I'll call Ditek this week...
- Jack, I'll leave you E-Mail soon.
- All, MEGA-Check 2 was requiring quite a bit of memory (about 800K) so tonight
- I got all of the internal "resource" information out of the program and into
- an external file. No reason to have that stuff take up memory twice. This
- should cut down memory consumption by at least a couple hundred K, I'm hoping.
- Haven't had a chance to recompile to check it yet. The new validation method
- is in place and I believe it is now complete enough to put into the hands of
- beta-testers. I want a limited number, I'll talk to Jack about it, since I
- can only fix bugs so fast. I'
- I'll get all of the required files together and a brief instruction .TXT file
- to him hopefully one night this week. I still haven't had a chance to finish
- the conversion program and I wanted you guys to be able to convert your
- existing files so you have some good sample data to work with. But I think
- the conversion program is only going to convert your accounts and I'll include
- a special Report for version 1 that will "export" your version 1 data to an
- ASCII file that will be Imported into version 2. Slower, but your data
- integrity will be higher, which is very important. It will also allow you to
- build your Classification and Associate lists as you import, rather than
- needing todo it all at once.
- that's all for now... - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 136 Wed Mar 03, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 00:34 EST
- Well, good news. The conversion program *WILL* convert your entire MEGA-
- Check version 1 file and still maintain complete data integrity. This took a
- little bit of doing but and the conversion takes a little longer (about 30 to
- 60 seconds per 100 transactions) but you'll only have to do it once, and it is
- much easier than creating an export file with MEGA-Check and then importing it
- into MEGA-Check 2.
- I have been personally doing the beta-testing and annihilating bugs left and
- right. It looks like they're pretty much out and its time for you beta-
- testers to start searching.
- You can do this while I'm finishing the manual. The '486 just came
- yesterday. Ditek said that the LaserJet IV driver won't be available for "a
- couple of weeks at least". So I'm going to import what Bob has done into Word
- and finish it there.
- I've also been working on creating some FREE modules (reports, update
- modules, etc.) that will come with the package. I have amazed myself at some
- of the "functionality" I can add by just using a little creativity with the
- module creator. Yet its all point and click!
- I still want to beta-test for another couple of nights and then it will take
- me one night to gather all of the files (data files, resource files, modules,
- conversion program, etc.) into one place and write the beta-tester a .TXT
- note. I want to keep the bug list short or non- existent from the beta-
- tester, that way I can concentrate 100% of my time on finishing the manual.
- Look for it next Sunday (March 7th).
- Also, can someone help me. I was thinking about distributing the files in DC
- Squish format. Since DC Squish is now public domain can I do this? Can
- someone find out and report back here? Thanks. Also, what do you guys think
- of getting a disk with DC Squished files on it? What about including the
- utility on the disk?
- Thanks,
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 137 Wed Mar 03, 1993
- B.GOCKLEY [Brian G.] at 09:00 EST
- Great News Chris! Sounds like Mega Check has gotten a _host_ of new features.
- Has the interface changed, does it have the ability for several accounts to be
- tied together? How about MultiTOS and Falcon compatibility? Can it run across
- a network? Whew! That's quite a list of questions! Oh yeah, my favorite
- question: does it run on a 1280 x 960 monochrome screen?
- As far as DCSquish, I _think_ you could have distributed your files squished
- even when it was commercial. There was nothing in the manual that stated
- otherwise, was there? Now regarding including the Squisher itself, send email
- to K.GERDES and ask about whether it's PD or not. If it is, I would say
- definitely squish them, but include the squisher for those who want to
- unsquish them.
- Good luck,
- Brian G. @ ST Informer
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 138 Wed Mar 03, 1993
- K.GERDES [TraceTech] at 19:50 EST
- Sorry Chris, you are mistaken.
- My program Squish (formerly distributed by DC) is not public domain, or
- "released in the public domain", as possibly inferred by that article. And
- the policy of restricted distribution of _squished_ executables is still in
- place.
- BTW, further info on Squish & Squish II is available in CAT2 TOP12.
- - Keith [TraceTech]
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 139 Thu Mar 04, 1993
- E.WISNIEWSK1 [Jeff - ST'er] at 08:36 EST
- And yes it is/was/still is stated in the Squish docs that squished files
- cannot be distributed...
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- ^^^^ JSW ^^^^
- ^^^^ ST'er ^^^^
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Thursday, March 4, 1993 - 8:25:42 am
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 140 Mon Mar 08, 1993
- C.MULLER3 (Forwarded)
- OK Keith, thanks for setting me straight.
- Brian,
- The interface is roughly the same, with a few added enhancements. Accounts
- can be tied together in the same manner that they could in version 1, through
- a parent-child hierarchical relationship. Debits and Credits to children also
- affect the parents.
- I haven't tested it on a Falcon030 or under MultiTOS but the entire program
- DOES run in a window, so it might. But it does have a menu bar. I'll have to
- wait and see.
- Network? It doesn't directly support a network, but I see no reason you
- couldn't put it on a peer-to-peer. But only one person could work on a file
- at a time (which is true in many environments) since there would be "version"
- problems of that data file when people started saving over it.
- One thing that is neat about the new version is something I've been calling
- "Interactive model building". This is where models that have been previously
- defined can be dynamically modified by answering a series of questions that
- apply to your particular business or home finance situation. One common
- example would be a model which pays your utility bill, say your eleectric
- bill. It would probably be set up to activate automatically every month, but
- since it varies from month to month it would ask you, "How much was your
- electric bill this month?" And you would respond. It might then ask you,
- "What check # are you going to write it with?" if you keep different sets of
- check #'s (most people don't). Another example is on a report. Say you want
- to see a report of the performance of a particular investment you're in, so
- you press that report button. It might then ask you, "For what month do you
- want to see this report?". The neat thing is, YOU decide what part you want
- to be asked and you even decide HOW it asks you.
- Well, back to work.
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 141 Sat Mar 13, 1993
- D.ALVEAR1 [Dom Alvear] at 04:43 EST
- To Keith Gerdes:
- Nice to hear from you! Which programs at DC were yours and which were not?
- And is Mike Vederman alive?
- Dom
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 142 Mon Mar 15, 1993
- K.GERDES [TraceTech] at 19:22 EST
- Dom Alvear,
- Please see my reply in CAT2 TOP12...
- - Keith [TraceTech]
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 143 Mon Mar 29, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 02:09 EST
- Well, beta-testing is completed. Version 2 is VERY solid now. Crashes were
- eliminated a long time ago and now it looks like the data and operation of
- the program is correct in every way. We have been running Muller Automation
- off of it for the last few months, which has been a very good test of it.
- The manual is almost completed. I'll be putting together an upgrade
- "newsletter" very shortly to all registered owners and uploading the demo
- here.
- Most of the "interactive models" (which provide a "question/answer" operation
- of MEGA-Check 2) that I wanted to include with the package are done. I'm
- thinking about adding a couple more.
- If you want to multi-task, you'll definitely be better off with an
- accelerator of some kind, MEGA-Check 2 will tax a stock ST to the max by
- running a complex report in the background (especially investment
- comparisons!). But you can still do it and it IS usable when generating a
- report, even on a stock ST.
- Look for it soon!
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 144 Wed Apr 14, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 01:16 EDT
- Well, we will officially be taking orders for MEGA-Check 2 starting May 1st At
- that time, all registered users will receive a newsletter detailing some of
- the new enhancements. A demo will be uploaded the weekend of the 24th. Look
- for it!
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 145 Thu Apr 15, 1993
- K.BROOKS1 [New Horizon] at 00:59 EDT
- But Chris, is it going to run on a TT?
- Keith New Horizon
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 146 Sat Apr 17, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 16:16 EDT
- It will definitely *run* on a TT. The question of whether it will run in TT
- medium remains to be answered. MEGA-Check 2 is 100% resolution independent,
- so the only thing that would stop it from working is if the compiler can't
- generate code that works on the TT. GFA says it "may or may not" work,
- depending on the things the program does. I feel fairly confident since we're
- not doing anything very low-level. If anyone as a TT out there, I'd be happy
- to send you a demo if you'll report the results back to me in GEmail (not
- here, yet. I'd like to have at least one crack at fixing any problems, if
- there are any).
- GFA said that the 3.7 compiler *will* support the TT resolutions directly, so
- when it comes out all we'll need to do is recompile it and it should work no
- problems.
- The majority of our users are ST owners. I think I don't even remember more
- than 5 or so registration cards coming back that were TT owners (where do they
- get them?).
- At any rate, TT owners will be able to test the demo on their machines before
- they buy.
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 147 Sat Apr 17, 1993
- K.HEINRICHS [K.Heinrichs] at 22:55 EDT
- C.Muller3,
- If you are looking for someone to test MEGA-Check 2 on the TT, I would be
- willing to give it a try. My present setup is a TT030 w/3.06 TOS, 4 meg of ST
- and 4 of TT RAM. Although I have the PTC1426 color monitor, I have the TTM195
- Monochrome hooked up 99% of the time. I have been using another program that
- works in the TT High mode with parts of the display not showing on the screen
- and would like to find something that was compatible with that mode. BTW I
- have been meaning to checkout the earlier version but was unable to find a
- demo here.
- K.Heinrichs
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 148 Mon Apr 19, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 01:34 EDT
- K.Heinrichs,
- OK, the demo will be up by April 25th. I may upload it sooner. I am just
- getting all of the files together and typing up the README's etc. Leave me
- some mail if you have any problems with running it on your TT and I'll look
- into them.
- The demo of version 1 is called MEGACHEK.LZH and is in the demos library the
- last time I looked. I'll check again and make sure its still there. I'll give
- you the file number.
- later,
- Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 149 Mon Apr 19, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 01:36 EDT
- The file number for version 1 of MEGA-Check is 23143.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 150 Mon Apr 19, 1993
- B.GOCKLEY [Brian G.] at 11:10 EDT
- Hi Chris, glad to hear the upgrade is done, I can't wait to see it.
- Brian G. @ ST Informer Magazine (Thanks for all your work)
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 151 Sat Apr 24, 1993
- A.B.SMITH [Barry] at 06:01 EDT
- Chris- Glad to hear that the upgrade is doing well. Can I send my upgrade
- funds now? If so, how much? We have this years business books well
- established on your system and like it. I expect that this data will be
- readily convertible to the upgrade? Thanks. - Barry
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 153 Sat May 01, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 16:51 EDT
- Well, after two and a half years of blood, sweat and tears, Muller Automation
- is proud to announce the immediately availability of MEGA-Check 2, the
- Ultimate Ultimate Finance Manager. This program is sure to provide all the
- power you'll need to track any of your personal, investment or business
- enterprises for years to come, all under an easy-to-use GEM interface.
- - Never forget another important bill, transfer or financial report with
- the built-in Alarm/Scheduler.
- - Fully automated checkbook balancing
- - Print checks on any printer
- - Automatic warning whenever any account balance gets too high or too low.
- (Never incur another bank service charge, or, for investors, set auto-
- matic "stop loss" points for your speculative investments).
- - Track "hypothetical" investments and run side by side comparisons to
- real life investments.
- - "Extended Notes" is available to let you enter long descriptions of each
- of your transactions (up to eight lines).
- - Keep track of all of your names, addresses, phone and other info on all
- clients, suppliers, customers, creditors and other associates. Associates
- can be added, changed or deleted at any time using the built-in
- "Associate Selector," similar to the GEM fileselector you're used to.
- - MEGA-Check 2 gives you THE most powerful report generator of ANY finance
- manager for the Atari (probably for other computers too!). Any report
- definition can be saved to be printed later, and any report can be
- "interactive" allowing it to be customized on the fly by simply answering
- one or more PLAIN ENGLISH questions.
- - And don't worry about having your computer tied up while MEGA-Check 2
- generates a complex report because we've also included MULTITASKING!
- That's right, all MEGA-Check 2 reports are generated in the back-
- ground, allowing you to continue to enter transactinos, view other
- reports, balance your checkbook, or use any of your desk accessories.
- - Online context sensitive help is available at all times by pressing
- the HELP key. Almost the entire manual has been put online with a
- full help index to take you quickly to any topic you need help on.
- Of course, we're always here to answer your questions too.
- - A 140+ page manual complete with a "How Do I...?" section that talks
- you through, step-by-step exactly how to perform various real life
- operations.
- MEGA-Check 2 will run on any ST or TT with at least 1MB of RAM, a hard disk is
- recommended, but not required.
- ALL THIS FOR ONLY $99.95!!! (+$5 shipping)
- Owners of the original MEGA-Check may upgrade for an unheard of $29 (+$5
- shipping). All registered owners will receive a brochure with an order form
- very soon.
- The demo is in the demos library, file #28595.
- If you have any questions, we can be reached via the following:
- GEnie: C.MULLER3 or Page 475, Category 6, Topic 6
- Phone: 816-322-4919
- Mail: #5 3rd Ave.
- Belton, MO 64012
- We hope you enjoy this state-of-the-art program as much as we do.
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 154 Sun May 02, 1993
- M.STEFANI [MCH] at 21:52 EDT
- Chris:
- Congratulations! Just downloaded the MEGA-Check 2 demo and the
- improvements/enhancements over the original version are really impressive!
- I've been using MEGA-Check for only about 5-6 months now, but it has become my
- favorite financial program, hands down. Hard to believe you could improve a
- product this good but I can't wait for the upgrade. I know, according to past
- posts, that the manual was somewhat of a struggle. Putting it within easy
- access via the program's help is a great idea! Looking forward to receiving
- the upgrade brochure.
- Mark Stefani
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 155 Tue May 04, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 00:19 EDT
- Thanks Mark,
- Glad to hear that all that work is going to make someone happy. It sure has
- been great for me to aid in my own financial business. The upgrade brochures
- are all printed and their at the print shop being FOLDED (tri-fold deal) and
- will be done tomorrow. I plan to mail them all out Wednesday.
- Attention TT users,
- It has been brought to my attention that MEGA-Check 2 DOES have some
- problems in TT high-res. I'll take a look at the code but we don't currently
- have a way to test this in house. Also, as I've said before, the current
- version of GFA doesn't support the TT resolutions, so correcting any code may
- not help anyway until the new version is avail- able (IF it becomes available,
- they've been promising for quite a while, but, then again, I've got no room to
- talk...).
- It does seem to run fine in the ST resolutions on the TT, however, so you can
- drop to those resolutions for the time being (ST mono is the best, for sure).
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 156 Wed May 05, 1993
- H.SCHEIE [HALS] at 21:47 EDT
- I bought mega-check from you about a year ago I don't remember if I sent a
- card in or not. Are all direct sales automatically regestered? Hal
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 157 Thu May 06, 1993
- K.BROOKS1 [New Horizon] at 01:30 EDT
- HeyHo Chris! Doesn't run on a TT without 24BIT.PRG running first and only in
- ST mode. Back to Quicken I guess.....
- Keith Brooks New Horizon
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 158 Tue May 11, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 01:16 EDT
- Hal, yes, if you purchased directly from us then you have a registered copy
- and a card was not included. You should be getting a brochure detailing the
- new version. Let me know if you don't get it in the next couple of days (say
- by Thursday) since they all went out last Sat. To upgrade, you need only fill
- in your serial # on the order form (no need to send in the original disk).
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 159 Tue May 11, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 01:53 EDT
- Oops! Looks like an old version of the CONVERT.PRG, the program which
- converts your MEGA-Check version 1 files to version 2 was included in the
- demo. I just uploaded the real version, file #28705.
- Run this program if you want to see how MEGA-Check 2's new report generator
- can tell you all kinds of things about your finances that version 1's
- couldn't.
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 160 Sat May 15, 1993
- A.B.SMITH [Barry] at 06:02 EDT
- Chris- Got my mailing concerning MC 2 this week. My upgrade funds will be in
- the mail today. As the latest messages scrolled by I thought I saw some thing
- about a CONVERT,PRG. I assume tghis will convert my current entries to the
- new format? Sounds great! Thanks. - Barry
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 161 Mon May 17, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 01:34 EDT
- Yes Barry, a program called CONVERT.PRG is included with the upgrade to allow
- you to easily convert your version 1 files to version 2. It only has to be
- done once, after which you can just load them directly into version 2.
- On the first upload of the demo, an old alpha version of the conversion
- program got included, which had a couple of bugs. The new CONVERT.PRG I
- uploaded is the correct version.
- Later,
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 162 Sat May 22, 1993
- J.LEMLEY [Jack] at 01:20 EDT
- Chris,
- What service!!!!!! I got my upgrade thursday and am studying the
- manual. Nice Job!!!!
- Thanks
- Jack
- BTW Are you sure you couldn't have thrown in the kitchen sink ;-) This program
- has everything ELSE.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 165 Wed May 26, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 02:55 EDT
- Had a call from someone with a slight problem w/ TOS 1.2. I think I found it
- and sent him out a new copy, but would anyone else having any compatibility
- probs, please let me know. I also have worked on adding a few report
- components and plan to add a few more and release version 2.1 in the near
- future.
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 166 Sat May 29, 1993
- A.B.SMITH [Barry] at 06:14 EDT
- Chris- Got your package and have been reading the manual this week before
- trying it. I want to make sure the data conversion goes smoothly. Looks like
- a great effort and I guess today we'll give it a real try. Thanks. - Barry
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 167 Sun May 30, 1993
- A.B.SMITH [Barry] at 13:35 EDT
- Chris-
- Well we got started with MC II yesterday and it was relatively
- painless getting used to the new format. Couple of questions:
- 1) Is there a simple key combination to skip through the unused ledger
- slots on the entry panel to get to the check entry fields below? I tried
- several cominations of Shift keys and the down arrow but didn't come up with
- anything.
- 2) MC I had a nice feature for printing out a list of accounts with
- their respective balances beside them. I haven't come across this feature in
- MC II. Is it there?
- 3) I've got to fool with this report generating stuff a lot more. I
- never really understood it in the short time that we used MC I. This
- operation in MC II has really got me baffled. I'm probably just making it to
- difficult. I'll RTM somemore and fool with the sample and see if I can get
- it through my thick head.
- A great job, Chris, and I like the new feature for a listing of
- associates as a data base. Looks great.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 168 Sun May 30, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 20:50 EDT
- Hi Barry,
- 1) Yes, you can skip to each new "section" on the Entry Panel by
- pressing CONTROL+RETURN. You can bet that someone as impatient
- as myself wouldn't tolerate having to tab down through all of
- those ledger fields. It *is* in the manual, buried on page
- 12, in the last Entry in that table.
- 2) Yes, you can print that list of accounts, as well as much more
- sophisticated Account Table reports. You need to define a report
- using the Create/Edit Report... option under the Report menu.
- I know you have been shying away from that but it really would be
- to your advantage to jump in and learn it. As a matter of fact,
- the Account List report that you want would be an *excellent* way
- to learn it. If you need any help, please don't hesitate to call
- and I can talk you through it, step by step. You can also look
- on page 128 of the manual and there are step by step instructions
- for creating another kind of report. 1 - 2 - 3.
- Hope this helps. Again, please call anytime if you want.
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 171 Sun Jun 06, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 23:04 EDT
- A new version of MEGA-Check 2 is about to be uploaded to the demos library..
- It adds some report components, enhances compatibility with very old versions
- of TOS and fixes a couple of bugs in 2.0. The help files have not changed,
- however.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 172 Sun Jun 13, 1993
- P.NEREO [Philip] at 02:02 EDT
- I'm very intrigued by what I could see of this program and would like to play
- with the demo and possibly purchase it for keeping the books of my small
- business.
- 1) The demo of v2.0 doesn't seem to work on my Moniterm monitor. Does the full
- program?
- 2) How suitable is the program for keeping the books of a business?
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 173 Tue Jun 15, 1993
- I can't get your demo to run. I followed the instructions in read me and even
- moved it to drive A trying to get it to work. The program loads and draws the
- first screen with two bombs in it and then kicks me back to the desk top. Am
- I doing something wrong or is there a problem with the demo?
- Miachel Skipper
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 174 Tue Jun 22, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 02:45 EDT
- Philip,
- Right now ST Medium and High are the only two resolutions supported. We
- coded to be resolution independent but we have discovered that it takes more
- than just positioning your dialogs differently etc. TT medium is on the list.
- Currently there are no plans to support the Moniterm, however.
- As for keeping books, it has been perfect for running Muller Automation. The
- best thing is that you can make changes so easily. Even if you decide you
- wanted to structure your accounts differently, its no problem.
- Thanks for your interest!
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 175 Tue Jun 22, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 02:48 EDT
- Skipper,
- We have had another guy with a problem and I think it's his version of TOS.
- Do you know what version you have? 1.2 has problems but we already have a
- fix on its way to our new TOS 1.2 beta-tester. Look for 2.03 later this week.
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 176 Tue Jun 22, 1993
- Chris
- I am trying to run your demo on a TT030 with TOS 3.05. I have 4 Meg of fast
- ram and 4 of slow ram. I have tried to run the program in all five
- resolutions. I still get two bombs and back to the desk top. I copied all
- the HLP files into the HELPLIB folder and still get the same results.
- Thanks
- Miachel Skipper
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 177 Wed Jun 23, 1993
- A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 07:05 EDT
- Skipper,
- Make sure the fast-load bit is off when you try to run MEGA-Check.
- Al
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 178 Wed Jun 23, 1993
- R.WHITTAM at 22:04 EDT
- WHERE is the MEGA CHECK demo?
- WHAT library, WHAT number?
- Does it run on an classic ST? What are the RAM an Storage requirements? Can
- I interface with CHECK*FREE? Will it produce NACHA formatted files? Do you
- have a NACHA Payroll (PPD/CCD) product in the works?
- Ron
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 179 Fri Jun 25, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 02:28 EDT
- Skipper,
- 2.03 is done and it fixes a lock up problem with old TOS's but your TOS
- should be fine. As a matter of fact, the problem with the old TOS's wasn't
- bombs, it was a lock up. I'm not sure what is happening
- I'll be uploading version 2.03 this weekend so you might give that a try. We
- have others running MEGA-Check 2 on their TT's (in the ST resolutions) and
- haven't heard any problem reports yet. It could be that something happened in
- the download or something. Let me know if 2.03 still gives you problems.
- You shouldn't need to set the Fastload bit off, I always have it turned on
- on my machine and it works fine. Sounds like it might be something else.
- 2.02 has problems running on TOS 1.0 and 1.2. For some reason, they can't
- handle the WIND_UPDATE calls I was doing to make accessory handling better.
- But disabling those on the old TOS versions has cleared up the problem and
- 2.03 will be uploaded in the next couple of days.
- The new file will be in library 10 (demos) of page 475. You can do a search
- (using option 3) for files uploaded by me (C.MULLER3) and it will take you
- right to it.
- MEGA-Check 2 will not interface with Checkfree. I have never heard of
- NACHA. Unless the file format can be done in complete ASCII MEGA-Check 2
- cannot create these files. If they are in ASCII it should be no problem, but
- you'll have to know the format and use the report generator to create them.
- Oops. All of these paragraphs are not addressed to you Skipper. Only the
- first two. The third one is addressed to Al and the remaining ones are
- addressed to R.WHITTAM.
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 180 Sat Jun 26, 1993
- R.WHITTAM at 01:07 EDT
- Chris,
- NACHA: National Automated Clearing House Association. The file is ASCII on
- PC's and converted to EPCDIC on IBM mainframes. It has a variety of record
- types: File header, batch header, transaction record, addendum record, batch
- trailer, file trailer. (the file trailers have a HASH number for
- verification). You should be able to research this at any respectible
- library...in the banking/electronic funds section.
- NACHA files are used by many business to do PRE-PAID DEPOSITS (PPD) that pay
- their employees directly to any bank account they have anywhere in the federal
- reserve system. Banks can accept any NACHA file with proper authorization.
- Although PPD has been a luxury of Large Corporations, the home PC makes in
- available to small businesses as well. While it might not be cost effective
- for employers with 1 or 2 employees, it would be for those of 10 or more.
- You could check with your local bank (and their data center) as to what would
- be required in a NACHA format for them. Many of them offer (sell) PC
- software to do this via modem or diskette delivery. However, they don't really
- care what "makes" the file, as long as it follows proper NACHA format and has
- proper authorization.
- It might be something worth looking into to make MEGA-Check a handy tool for
- small business with a payroll. However, maybe you could put together a
- payroll program that does this. I have been working on one for about a year
- in "C", but I have only been programming for about that long too. I have a
- front end, but I am still working on the internal database engine to make it
- work with the input. Having made MEGA-Check, you are light-years ahead of a
- novice like me.
- Thanks for the info on the location of the DEMO. I am also a novice on GEnie.
- Ron Whittam Atari Boise User Group President '93
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 181 Sun Jun 27, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 21:43 EDT
- I'm about to upload version 2.03 of MEGA-Check 2, which essentially just
- corrects a lock up problem that occurred in old TOS's. It may also cure the
- problem that some people were having on their TT's. Unless you have had lock
- up problems, there probably isn't enough benefit in the new version over 2.02
- to warrant downloading it.
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 182 Sun Jun 27, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 21:45 EDT
- Ron,
- Thanks for the info. That will prove to be interesting reading. I can't
- make any promises on whether we'll support it or not though.
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 183 Sat Jul 10, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 00:46 EDT
- Thanks to Tim Hebel for finding the fastload bit details and the requirements
- for MEGA-Check 2.
- I wanted to share what he reported to me in E-Mail with everybody.
- I usually change Fastload and such flags using the FILE INFO Config CPX. This
- CPX had TT RAM(Mem), TTRAM(Prog), and fastload options greyed out. So I
- figured I could not adjust them on your program as I had on others. I read
- all of the Mega Check Messages on GEnie and I saw that one person had similar
- problems with the two bombs thing. The recommended action by another user was
- to turn off the fastload bit. So I tried using NEOdesk to look at the file
- and its "show info" allowed me to change those three bits on the file
- (Fastload, TTmem, TTprg). After trying all combinations I found that the
- program WILL run with fast load and TTmem bits set, but not with the program
- in TT RAM.
- Sorry for any confusion earlier about the fastload bit setting. - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 184 Sun Jul 11, 1993
- T.HEBEL [Spud Boy] at 20:18 EDT
- Who is printing Laser Checks using MC 2.03? I used to use Quicken and I
- am trying to use Quicken Laser Checks. If you are printing checks out could
- you please E-mail (or just plain upload) the configuration. I am having
- problems using the report maker <grin>.
- Thanks in advance.
- Tim
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 185 Mon Jul 12, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 01:12 EDT
- What sort of problems Spud Boy?
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 186 Mon Jul 12, 1993
- T.HEBEL [Spud Boy] at 21:48 EDT
- I am having problems in the report editor. It is difficult to work in. It
- might just be a TT thing, but the components don't automatically deselect
- themselves when you finish moving them. I realize the menu bar tells you how
- many items are selected, but sometimes things are selected and not highlighted
- on the screen. (I am running in ST high, BTW). It seems that I always have
- to unselect the last thing I worked with. Also I am having problems with the
- [LGAL] command. It always defaults to 90 characters (which is too big) and
- when I lower the length from the pop up menu (the one you get from right
- clicking on it) to say 75, the length will snap to some other value (49 or
- 50). Also after about 15 minutes of clicking and dragging it sometimes will
- draw the zones off of the "page" even though I did not put them there.
- Occasionally the zone will even disappear. What I am getting at is that the
- report generator seems a bit finicky. When I try to print from the screen to
- do the checks it seems that I get different results each time. IE if I move a
- line down two rows to put it on the right spot on the check it doesn't go
- there if I have the report generated to the screen and then use the print
- function. So I tried to generate a report directly to the printer and I get
- bombs and the program quits to desktop. With all of these things put together
- it makes for slow going trying to get checks printed.
- Also, I do not quite have a handle on how to make three checks print
- on one page. If I put the [TO ] function three times it prints the same
- thing in each entry. I tried setting the page length but ran into the
- printing problems described above, so I decided to see if anyone had jumped
- this hurdle it would save me some time. Once I get this working, I will
- upload it for anyone else who uses Quicken laser checks to use as a template.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 187 Mon Jul 19, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 02:30 EDT
- Hi Tim, Say, have you had a chance to read through the manual? A lot of the
- "problems" you've been having are not problems at all, but just the way the
- program was designed (for reasons documented in the manual). Anyway, let me
- see if I can help with your report generator issues you've brought up. The
- components are not meant to deselect automatically. That is so you can
- select multiple components and move them all as a group. You can easily
- deselect all components by clicking anywhere in the report layout window.
- The LGAL component should be able to be sized to any size you wish, either by
- dragging the sizer tool or by entering it manually in the "Change Report
- Component" panel. I'll look into this and see if I can find any problem with
- it. As for things getting off the page, you need to be careful about dragging
- things that are extremely large. As a rule of thumb, make sure the component
- that you want to move is in view before dragging it and you'll never
- encounter this. As for moving something down and it not having any affect, my
- suspicion is that you have the "Detail suppress" option in the Report Options
- panel set to "Blank", which suppresses blank detail lines. You need to set
- this to "None". This is explained on page 104 in the manual. Is it still
- bombing when you print directly to printer? If I remember correctly, it
- calls the same internal print module when you print direct or if you print
- from the View Report window so they should behave the same. If that problem
- persists, try removing all AUTO programs and Accessories and see if that
- makes a difference. I assume the reason you want to print three checks on one
- page is because your checks are each one-third of a page high. For this,
- you simply define your page height as the same height of EACH check. Again,
- this is done in the Report Options panel. You then only need to set each
- check field ONCE (not three times). I hope this helps. Printing checks does
- take some trial and error to get set up, and a ruler can make all the
- difference in the world. Let me know if you need any more help.
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 188 Wed Jul 21, 1993
- T.HEBEL [Spud Boy] at 20:47 EDT
- I think it would be more GEM-like to select multiple items with a
- shift click, rather than not using it. It makes for what seems to be extra
- clicks outside the selected items which results in extra screen redraws... I
- realize how the interface works, I was just suggesting an improvement. What
- do other users think?
- As far as the LGAL thing goes, It has a mind of its own. It will not
- let me change to different values as described in the manual.
- Also I have been keeping well clear of the borders and I still run into
- problems with some components being moved by MC so that they are off of the
- screen. Even though they were in the right place to begin with.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 189 Tue Jul 27, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 01:59 EDT
- Hi Tim, I looked into the LGAL problem. I absolutely cannot duplicate the
- problem you are having. Let me tell you exactly what I'm doing.
- 1. Right click a blank area in the report window. The "Add
- Report Component" dialog appears.
- 2. Select [LGAL]. Press TAB to put the entry cursor in the
- Length field. Enter 40.
- 3. Press Control+Return to get back to the Create/Edit
- Report panel. The [LGAL] component appears, with a length of
- 40. Is this what you are doing? Another way you can resize the LGAL
- component is to set your report width (using Report Options) to a width that
- exposes the right side of that component (and thus exposing the sizer tool).
- Otherwise, you can't resize it, and moving it will "center it" under your
- mouse, which will cause it to be off the left edge of the report. The best
- thing to do is to just enter a small value and then size it bigger with the
- mouse, if you need to. Asterisks! So THAT was the reason I had previously
- allowed report components to overlap! I couldn't remember at the time, but
- this is a good reason. The solution was, just lay down a row of asterisks,
- then lay down LGAL on top of it. It would put the asterisks, then it would
- put the LGAL on top of it. If LGAL was shorter, the asterisks would show
- through. I'll be sure to remove that requirement in the next release.
- However, can you tell me? What is the reason people always like to do this?
- Even if you could run it back through a printer, I don't see how you could
- add anything onto the end and have it make any sense. The reason for the 34
- line minimum was mostly arbitrary, half way to save some coding for display
- problems I was having with reports smaller than that during development.
- However, 21 line checks should be no problem. Just set your Bottom Margin to
- 0 (on Report Options) and it won't make any difference (since you aren't
- printing any headings).
- - Chris
- Let me know if you have any other questions.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 191 Sat Aug 14, 1993
- R.KRAUSE6 [Ralph Krause] at 19:36 EDT
- Chris Muller,
- I recently purchased MEGA-Check 2.03 and have used it for a couple of weeks.
- The program appears to be very powerful and comprehensive. I have, however,
- run into a few problems that I would like to run by you. My system is a 4 meg
- 1040STe, TOS 1.62, 85 meg HD, with Warp 9 and Data Diet, and NeoDesk 3.04
- enabled.
- I have been reading the manual but it is a bit difficult. In addition to the
- How do I..? section, would you consider a tutorial section leading the user
- from setting up accounts, entering transactions manually, and then generating
- a report? My account tables differed so much from yours that I could not use
- any of your existing models.
- Questions I have:
- 1. While setting up my first few account lists, I deleted an account from the
- Net Worth category. There were no transactions in this accout, and I think
- the entire file had maybe 3 transactions. When I performed a transaction for
- an account below the one I deleted, the transaction was done to the wrong
- account. The debit appeared two accounts below the one I specified in the
- transaction table. The account table had 49 entries at the time and I set my
- maximum number of accounts to 100.
- 2. After having problems with deleting the account, I elected to hide it.
- Later, I wanted to unhide it and use it. When I selected the account and then
- unhide, the program generated an error on the top line under the menu bar:
- <'tl' or 'tbl' other text>path not found<other text>
- and dumped me back into NeoDesk. I have tried this several times both unhide
- and unhide all. Sometimes everything works perfectly, other times I get
- dumped from the program.
- 3. Can DAs only be accessed during printing? When I clicked on the Warp 9 DA
- from the main screen to change the system fond, any selection I made after
- opening the DA, brought a response from MEGA-Check and other attempts to
- access the DA were ignored. I had to re-boot my system.
- 4. I also have a question about the report generator: is it possible to
- generate a report that is unsorted? I would like to generate a report
- containing some entries from my account table in the order they appear in the
- table. I cannot find any information in the manual about that, just
- descending and ascending.
- 5. Finally, is there a way or will there be a way in future releases to
- include basic formulas in a transaction model? For instance, I want 10% of
- every check automatically transferred to a savings account and right now I
- have to enter the amount manually.
- Thank you for any help you can give me.
- Ralph Krause
- P.S. With my work travel schedule, it could take up to two weeks for me to
- reply to any questions you have.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 192 Sun Aug 15, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 17:03 EDT
- Hi Ralph, Yes, it was nearly impossible for us to create models that would be
- suitable for everyone's financial situation, since everyone's is SO
- different. Let me try to answer your questions: 1. Can you please be more
- specific about the account you tried to delete? What do you mean by
- "performed a transaction for an account below the one I deleted". Do you mean
- a CHILD of the account you deleted? This would be impossible since, when you
- delete an account, all of its children are also deleted. Please clarify. 2.
- This error definitely sounds like something has corrupted your account table.
- Can you please be more specific on how you got this to happen? I can't seem
- to re-create it. 3. I don't use Warp 9. Is it a window or dialog box that
- appears when you select it? I might suggest that you should wait for the
- screen to redraw before attempting to click on anything else, though this
- would just cause whatever you clicked on to be unresponsive until the screen
- was redrawn. Warp 9 seems to me to be a major hack, using intercepts to low-
- level system routines and redirecting them to optimized versions of those
- routines. A utility with this much low-level system control is usually
- suspect (to their credit, though, the Codeheads have done a very good job of
- making it compatible). Do you have any other accessories that have problems?
- I double-checked the ones that I use and they seem to work fine. 4. Unsorted
- reports? No, all reports are sorted in some way. It sounds like what you
- want, however, is your account table report to be sorted by "Path" rather
- than "Account". This is very easy to do. On the Create/Edit Report panel,
- just select the "Where" button and then select "Path" as the "Order by"
- located at the bottom of the panel. 5. The 10% transfer you mention can also
- be done, to some extent. You can set up a transaction model to automatically
- enter the transfer at your specified interval. If the amount of the check is
- constant, the process can be totally automated. Otherwise, you'll need to
- have MEGA-Check prompt you for the 10% amount. Although MEGA-Check can
- compute percentages based on the balance of an account (for interest earning
- purposes, or for depreciation of Assets), it can't compute percentages based
- on the single transaction that is currently being entered. Formulas are a
- great idea, but how would they be entered?
- - Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 193 Sun Aug 15, 1993
- R.KRAUSE6 [Ralph Krause] at 20:46 EDT
- Chris,
- thank you for your prompt reply. Here is some more information as you
- requested:
- 1. This is a simplified version of my first account set-up:
- Net Worth
- Expenses
- Expense checks
- Memberships
- Subscriptions
- I deleted the Expense checks account and then entered a transaction that
- affected the Memberships account. After CTRL-A, I used the VCR keys to review
- the transaction, and instead of Membership, the amount was debited to
- Subscriptions. Checking the Maintain Acounts table showed that indeed the
- transaction was debited to Subscriptions. This is not the actual set-up,
- unfortunately I deleted my first attempts.
- 2. On the sort by PATH: When I selected it and tried to generate a report I
- got the error:
- Account tables are out of sync! Discovered in FUNC rpt_line$()
- What does this mean? Are they out of sync within the program? Transactions
- seem to work just fine and update correctly when I add transactions. I also
- get this error if I re-start the program and make up an account list with
- three entries (Aa, Cc. Bb) and try to print it. The selection criteria for
- printing an account is any characters in the 4th description line.
- 3. Unhide accounts bombs: since it does work for me pretty often, I think
- you're right that I corrupted the table somehow. I'll work on this and see if
- I can repeat it. In my last 10 trials or so, it unhid correctly.
- 4. DAs: Again, you're correct, all my other DAs work correctly. Sorry for not
- checking thoroughly before asking.
- 5. Entering formulas: Possibly when setting up a model, when the user selects
- a field in Ask for field value, in addition to entering a question, they could
- also have the option of entering a simple formula(+,-,*,/) that interacts with
- the first ledger amount. There would be a problem making sure the debits &
- credits are equal. Let me think some more on this.
- Thanks again.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 194 Sun Aug 15, 1993
- M.STEFANI [MCH] at 21:24 EDT
- Chris,
- Just wanted to let you know that I was successful in 'removing' the activation
- date from my models through the use of a hex editor. As you recall, I
- couldn't find a way of 'zeroing' them out. Thanks for the advice!
- Ralph,
- I also have WarpNine installed when using MC2. One thing I noticed through
- experimentation (after reading your post), was that WarpNine has little if any
- effect on speeding up the screen redraws within MC2. I haven't tried anything
- like alternative screen fonts while using the program. I can call up the DA
- inside of MC2 and it's never bombed.
- Mark Stefani
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 195 Wed Aug 18, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 01:42 EDT
- Ralph, "Account Tables out of sync" message? Oohhh, that is NOT good! I
- hate to say it, but you may save more twilight zone headaches by starting
- fresh with a new file. Do you have very much entered? MEGA-Check actually
- stores TWO account tables... Well, actually, one is a "secondary index"
- which allows accounts to be quickly accessed either via path or by Account
- name (thus enabling the Auto Copmlete feature). Both tables can be accessed
- by the internal "Account number" which is something that you never see. What
- the "Account Tables out of sync" message is saying is that there is an
- account # in one of the account tables that isn't in the other one. This
- should NEVER happen and I am at a loss to explain how you got it to happen.
- There is a program called ANALYZ20.PRG on the disk which may tell you if you
- have DUPLICATE account #'s, but not missing ones. This would account for why
- it was debiting the wrong accounts. It can't hurt to run it. If you don't
- mind me seeing your financial file, you can send it to me and I will try to
- repair it manually. But if you don't have a lot of transactions yet, it
- would really be easier to just re-enter it. Another option is to EXPORT your
- transactions using the report generator to the MEGA-Check 2 import format.
- Then you would only have to re-create your account table and you could import
- all of your transactions. Hope this helps,
- Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 196 Wed Aug 18, 1993
- C.MULLER3 at 01:42 EDT
- Hi Mark, Glad to hear that you were able to get rid of those light dates that
- you didn't want. It never occurred to me in the design phase to allow
- getting rid of those. Are you sure that Warp 9 doesn't affect MC2? I think
- that QuickST does and it is an older version of Warp 9. Did you try
- comparing to Warp 9 not installed? Take care,
- Chris
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 197 Wed Aug 18, 1993
- M.STEFANI [MCH] at 10:54 EDT
- Chris,
- The Warp 9 DA allows the user to 'toggle' the accelerator on and off from
- within a program. Every time I did this within MC2 and exited the DA the
- screen would redraw, allowing me to see the approximate speed difference in
- each mode. In most cases the difference is quite dramatic, but I just
- couldn't detect any 'significant' change while in MC2. I have an alternative
- boot configuration that still uses one of the final versions of QuickST, so I
- can try that out just for the sake of curiousity.
- Btw, one future change that I'd recommend for MC2 would be the ability to
- delete a model within the program itself without having to rely on a third-
- party file selector utility like UIS or LGS/MaxiFile. I happen to use
- MaxiFile as a DA so it's no problem for me, but for the sake of convenience
- (and for those users who have to exit to the desktop to perform this task) I
- think you should consider this small addition.
- Mark
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 198 Fri Aug 20, 1993
- R.KRAUSE6 [Ralph Krause] at 20:23 EDT
- Chris,
- I guess I can understand my current accounts getting messed up with all the
- fooling around I've done, but I also got the 'out of sync' message when I
- created a NEW account table & three accounts (2 under assets, 1 under
- liabilities) and no disk saves, etc. I just added the three files & ran my
- report genarator (just prints accounts with any chars in description line 4).
- While there's nothing top secret about my accounts, I want to hear more about
- this out of sync error on a new table before we try to correct it by hand. If
- the fact this error pops on a new file w/no transactions & no disk saves &
- loads is a fault or confilict on my system, please let me know.
- >There is a program called ANALYZ20.PRG on the disk which may tell
- >you if you have DUPLICATE account #'s, but not missing ones. This
- There is no such fily on either the disk I received from Toad or the one I
- received from you with the validation file. The only .PRG files are MC20.PRG
- Sorry it took me so long to respond, I had to travel this week for work.
- Mark,
- My main reason for Warp9 is a new system font. I like your suggestion about
- deleting models. I also use LGS/MaxiFile in those instances.
- One other improvement could be to not let Auto Complete complete the name
- until 2 characters are typed. My associate table has only a few entries and I
- find it usually puts the wrong one up when I try entering a name not on it.
- (I like really Auto Complete on the other areas though!)
- Ralph
- Sorry folks if this got posted twice. My phone went out in the middle of the
- session.
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 199 Fri Aug 20, 1993
- R.KRAUSE6 [Ralph Krause] at 21:27 EDT
- Chris,
- I FOUND SOMETHING. (Just not sure what.) While trying many things to make
- this work, I loaded my account table and re-made the report model. This time
- it printed correctly.
- Now this leads me to a question:
- Since it's possible that my account structure changed after I made my initial
- report model, does this mean that a new report model should be made after
- every change?
- The only thing I'm using in the Where section for this report are any
- characters in description line 3. This could, I think, be used pretty
- globally. Is the report linked to the account table in any way?
- Thanks,
- Ralph
- ------------
- Category 6, Topic 6
- Message 200 Sat Aug 21, 1993
- R.KRAUSE6 [Ralph Krause] at 19:37 EDT
- Has anybody tried using a file after a 'Save Next Generation'? I saved the
- next generation of my accounts and then tried to open it. Everything went fine
- until the 'Process>' line says 'Loading database'. Then the program bombs with
- an Error 35 (file not found?) I have no problems loading any other files,
- just the next generations.
- This also happens if I save the next genaration of the empty account table
- when the program starts & then open it.
- Thanks,
- ------------